
Hyon-Young Choi

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5EEHyon-Young Choi, Sung-Gi Min, Kwang-Ryoul Kim, Youn-Hee Han, Hyo-Beom Lee: Seamless handover scheme for proxy mobile IPv6 using smart buffering. Mobility Conference 2008: 67
4EEHyon-Young Choi, Kwang-Ryoul Kim, Hyo-Beom Lee, Sung-Gi Min: Reactive Smart Buffering Scheme for Seamless Handover in PMIPv6. OPODIS 2008: 568-571
3EEHyon-Young Choi, Sung-Gi Min: RED-RT for Congestion Control and Real Time Traffic Protection. CIT 2006: 115
2EEHyon-Young Choi, Sung-Gi Min, Youn-Hee Han, Hee-Jin Jang: Semi-soft FMIPv6 for 802.11 Network. EUC 2006: 1139-1147
1EEHyon-Young Choi, Sung-Gi Min: Performance Enhancement in REM Using Adaptive Drop Policy for Protective and Best-Effort Traffic. ICDCN 2006: 385-390

Coauthor Index

1Youn-Hee Han [2] [5]
2Hee-Jin Jang [2]
3Kwang-Ryoul Kim [4] [5]
4Hyo-Beom Lee [4] [5]
5Sung-Gi Min [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)