
Martin Chodorow

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13 Jill Burstein, Martin Chodorow, Claudia Leacock: Automated Essay Evaluation: The Criterion Online Writing Service. AI Magazine 25(3): 27-36 (2004)
12 Jill Burstein, Martin Chodorow, Claudia Leacock: CriterionSM Online Essay Evaluation: An Application for Automated Evaluation of Student Essays. IAAI 2003: 3-10
11EEJill Burstein, Daniel Marcu, Slava Andreyev, Martin Chodorow: Towards Automatic Classification of Discourse Elements in Essays. ACL 2001: 90-97
10EEMartin Chodorow, Claudia Leacock: An Unsupervised Method for Detecting Grammatical Errors. ANLP 2000: 140-147
9 Jill Burstein, Karen Kukich, Susanne Wolff, Chi Lu, Martin Chodorow, Lisa C. Braden-Harder, Mary Dee Harris: Automated Scoring Using A Hybrid Feature Identification Technique. COLING-ACL 1998: 206-210
8 Claudia Leacock, Martin Chodorow, George A. Miller: Using Corpus Statistics and WordNet Relations for Sense Identification. Computational Linguistics 24(1): 147-165 (1998)
7EEGeorge A. Miller, Martin Chodorow, Shari Landes, Claudia Leacock, Robert G. Thomas: Using a Semantic Concordance for Sense Identification. HLT 1994
6EEJudith L. Klavans, Martin Chodorow: Degrees of Stativity: The Lexical Representation of Verb Aspect. COLING 1992: 1126-1131
5EEMartin Chodorow, Yael Ravin, Howard E. Sachar: A Tool For Investigating Tile Synonymy Relation In A Sense Disambiguated Thesaurus. ANLP 1988: 144-151
4 Roy J. Byrd, Nicoletta Calzolari, Martin Chodorow, Judith Klavans, Mary S. Neff, Omneya A. Rizk: Tools and Methods for Computational Lexicology. Computational Linguistics 13(3-4): 219-240 (1987)
3 Roy J. Byrd, Martin Chodorow: Using an On-Line Dictionary to Find Rhyming Words and Pronunciations for Unknown Words. ACL 1985: 277-283
2 Martin Chodorow, Roy J. Byrd, George E. Heidorn: Extracting Semantic Hierarchies from a Large On-Line Dictionary. ACL 1985: 299-304
1 George E. Heidorn, Karen Jensen, Lance A. Miller, Roy J. Byrd, Martin Chodorow: The EPISTLE Text-Critiquing System. IBM Systems Journal 21(3): 305-326 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Slava Andreyev [11]
2Lisa C. Braden-Harder [9]
3Jill Burstein [9] [11] [12] [13]
4Roy J. Byrd [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Nicoletta Calzolari [4]
6Mary Dee Harris [9]
7George E. Heidorn [1] [2]
8Karen Jensen [1]
9Judith L. Klavans (Judith Klavans) [4] [6]
10Karen Kukich [9]
11Shari Landes [7]
12Claudia Leacock [7] [8] [10] [12] [13]
13Chi Lu [9]
14Daniel Marcu [11]
15George A. Miller [7] [8]
16Lance A. Miller [1]
17Mary S. Neff [4]
18Yael Ravin [5]
19Omneya A. Rizk [4]
20Howard E. Sachar [5]
21Robert G. Thomas [7]
22Susanne Wolff [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)