
C. B. Chittineni

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5EEC. B. Chittineni: Some approaches to optimal cluster labeling with applications to remote sensing. Pattern Recognition 15(3): 201-216 (1982)
4EEC. B. Chittineni: Estimation of probabilities of label imperfections and correction of mislabels. Pattern Recognition 13(3): 257-268 (1981)
3EEC. B. Chittineni: Signature extension in remote sensing. Pattern Recognition 12(4): 243-249 (1980)
2EEC. B. Chittineni: Learning with imperfectly labeled patterns. Pattern Recognition 12(5): 281-291 (1980)
1EEC. B. Chittineni: On the estimation of probability of error. Pattern Recognition 9(4): 191-196 (1977)

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