
Wen-Ko Chiou

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3EEChaochang Chiu, Kuang-Hung Hsu, Pei-Lun Hsu, Chi-I Hsu, Po-Chi Lee, Wen-Ko Chiou, Thu-Hua Liu, Yi-Chou Chuang, Chorng-Jer Hwang: Mining Three-Dimensional Anthropometric Body Surface Scanning Data for Hypertension Detection. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 11(3): 264-273 (2007)
2 Wen-Zhi Chen, Wen-Ko Chiou: A study on tactile interfaces as an aid to home electronic appliance operation for the visually impaired. HCI (1) 1999: 740-744
1 Wen-Ko Chiou, May-Kuen Wong: An Ergonomic Design of EMG Signal Controlled HCI for Stroke Patients. HCI (1) 1999: 745-749

Coauthor Index

1Wen-Zhi Chen [2]
2Chaochang Chiu [3]
3Yi-Chou Chuang [3]
4Chi-I Hsu [3]
5Kuang-Hung Hsu [3]
6Pei-Lun Hsu [3]
7Chorng-Jer Hwang [3]
8Po-Chi Lee [3]
9Thu-Hua Liu [3]
10May-Kuen Wong [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)