
Ken-ichi Chinen

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7EERazvan Beuran, Ken-ichi Chinen, Khin Thida Latt, Toshiyuki Miyachi, Junya Nakata, Lan Tien Nguyen, Yoichi Shinoda, Yasuo Tan: Application Performance Assessment on Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. AINTEC 2006: 128-138
6 Ken-ichi Chinen, Toshiyuki Miyachi, Yoichi Shinoda: A rendezvous in network experiment -case study of Kuroyuri. TRIDENTCOM 2006
5EEToshiyuki Miyachi, Ken-ichi Chinen, Yoichi Shinoda: StarBED and SpringOS: large-scale general purpose network testbed and supporting software. VALUETOOLS 2006: 30
4EEToshiyuki Miyachi, Ken-ichi Chinen, Yoichi Shinoda: Automatic Configuration and Execution of Internet Experiments On An Actual Node-Based Testbed. TRIDENTCOM 2005: 274-282
3EEEiji Kawai, Ken-ichi Chinen, Suguru Yamaguchi, Hideki Sunahara: An Analysis of the Number of ICP Packets on the Distributed WWW Caching System. ICPP Workshops 1999: 234-239
2EEKen-ichi Chinen, Hiroyuki Inoue, Kiyohiko Okayama, Suguru Yamaguchi: Design and implementation of a hybrid prefetching proxy server for WWW. Systems and Computers in Japan 29(12): 57-65 (1998)
1 Suguru Yamaguchi, Ken-ichi Chinen, Hiroyuki Inoue: WWW Cache Management and Its International Deployment: Challenges in the AI3 Project. WWCA 1997: 267-280

Coauthor Index

1Razvan Beuran [7]
2Hiroyuki Inoue [1] [2]
3Eiji Kawai [3]
4Khin Thida Latt [7]
5Toshiyuki Miyachi [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Junya Nakata [7]
7Lan Tien Nguyen [7]
8Kiyohiko Okayama [2]
9Yoichi Shinoda [4] [5] [6] [7]
10Hideki Sunahara [3]
11Yasuo Tan [7]
12Suguru Yamaguchi [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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