
Samuel Chindaro

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7EEZiheng Zhou, Samuel Chindaro, Farzin Deravi: Non-linear fusion of local matching scores for face verification. FG 2008: 1-6
6EESamuel Chindaro, Konstantinos Sirlantzis, Michael C. Fairhurst: Modelling Multiple-Classifier Relationships Using Bayesian Belief Networks. MCS 2007: 312-321
5EESamuel Chindaro, Konstantinos Sirlantzis, Michael C. Fairhurst: Analysis and Modelling of Diversity Contribution to Ensemble-Based Texture Recognition Performance. Multiple Classifier Systems 2005: 387-396
4EESamuel Chindaro, Richard M. Guest, Michael C. Fairhurst, Mohamed A. Razian, Jonathan M. Potter: Feature Selection Optimisation in an Automated Diagnostic Cancellation Task. ICCHP 2004: 1047-1053
3EESamuel Chindaro, Richard M. Guest, Michael C. Fairhurst, Jonathan M. Potter: Assessing Visuo-Spatial Neglect Through Feature Selection From Shape Drawing Performance And Sequence Analysis. IJPRAI 18(7): 1253-1266 (2004)
2EERichard M. Guest, Samuel Chindaro, Michael C. Fairhurst, Jonathan M. Potter: Automatic Classification of Hand Drawn Geometric Shapes using Constructional Sequence Analysis. ICDAR 2003: 990-994
1EESamuel Chindaro, Farzin Deravi: Directional Properties of Colour Co-occurrence Features for Lip Location and Segmentation. AVBPA 2001: 84-89

Coauthor Index

1Farzin Deravi [1] [7]
2Michael C. Fairhurst [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Richard M. Guest (R. M. Guest) [2] [3] [4]
4Jonathan M. Potter (J. M. Potter) [2] [3] [4]
5Mohamed A. Razian [4]
6Konstantinos Sirlantzis [5] [6]
7Ziheng Zhou [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)