
Santi Chillemi

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13EEAngelo Di Garbo, Michele Barbi, Santi Chillemi: Coincidence Detector Properties of Small Networks of Interneurons. BVAI 2007: 408-417
12EESanti Chillemi, Michele Barbi, Angelo Di Garbo: A Network of Interneurons Coupled by Electrical Synapses Behaves as a Coincidence Detector. IWINAC (1) 2007: 81-89
11EEAngelo Di Garbo, Alessandro Panarese, Michele Barbi, Santi Chillemi: The kinetics of the IPSC, the heterogeneity and the noise affect the firing coherence of a population of inhibitory interneurons. Neurocomputing 70(16-18): 2705-2715 (2007)
10EEMichele Barbi, Santi Chillemi, Angelo Di Garbo, Rita Balocchi, D. Menicucci: A Minimal Model for the Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia. Biological Cybernetics 94(3): 225-232 (2006)
9EEAngelo Di Garbo, Alessandro Panarese, Michele Barbi, Santi Chillemi: Signal Transmission and Synchrony Detection in a Network of Inhibitory Interneurons. BVAI 2005: 49-58
8EEAngelo Di Garbo, Alessandro Panarese, Michele Barbi, Santi Chillemi: The After-Hyperpolarization Amplitude and the Rise Time Constant of IPSC Affect the Synchronization Properties of Networks of Inhibitory Interneurons. IWANN 2005: 115-121
7EESanti Chillemi, Alessandro Panarese, Michele Barbi, Angelo Di Garbo: Gap-Junctions Promote Synchrony in a Network of Inhibitory Interneurons in the Presence of Heterogeneities and Noise. IWINAC (1) 2005: 77-85
6EEAngelo Di Garbo, Alessandro Panarese, Santi Chillemi: Phase locking states between fast-spiking interneurons coupled by electrical and chemical synapses. Neurocomputing 58-60: 159-164 (2004)
5EESanti Chillemi, Angelo Di Garbo, Alessandro Panarese: Synchronous Firing in a Population of Inhibitory Interneurons Coupled by Electrical and Chemical Synapses. IWANN (1) 2003: 24-31
4EEPaolo Allegrini, Rita Balocchi, Santi Chillemi, Paolo Grigolini, Luigi Palatella, Giacomo Raffaelli: Short- and Long-Term Statistical Properties of Heartbeat Time-Series in Healthy and Pathological Subjects. ISMDA 2002: 115-126
3EESanti Chillemi, Michele Barbi, Angelo Di Garbo: Synchronisation Mechanisms in Neuronal Networks. IWANN (1) 2001: 87-94
2 Santi Chillemi, Michele Barbi, Angelo Di Garbo: Synchronisation in a Network of FHN Units with Synaptic-Like Coupling. IWANN (1) 1999: 230-239
1EEAngelo Di Garbo, Michele Barbi, Santi Chillemi, Rita Balocchi, Claudio Michelassi, Clara Carpeggiani: For Nonlinearity in the Heartbeat Time Series. Cybernetics and Systems 28(2): 177-186 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Paolo Allegrini [4]
2Rita Balocchi [1] [4] [10]
3Michele Barbi [1] [2] [3] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4Clara Carpeggiani [1]
5Angelo Di Garbo [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
6Paolo Grigolini [4]
7D. Menicucci [10]
8Claudio Michelassi [1]
9Luigi Palatella [4]
10Alessandro Panarese [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
11Giacomo Raffaelli [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)