
Hideaki Chihara

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3EEHideaki Chihara: Factors involved in Japan's contribution to international chemical information activities: present status and prospects. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 27(2): 59-62 (1987)
2EESoichi Tokizane, Tsukasa Monjoh, Hideaki Chihara: Computer storage and retrieval of generic chemical structures using structure attributes. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 27(4): 177-187 (1987)
1EEYoshihiro Kudo, Hideaki Chihara: Chemical substance retrieval system for searching generic representations. 1. A prototype system for the gazetted list of Existing Chemical Substances of Japan. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 23(3): 109-117 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Yoshihiro Kudo [1]
2Tsukasa Monjoh [2]
3Soichi Tokizane [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)