
Chunxiao Chigan

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11EEZhengming Li, Chunxiao Chigan, Danniel Wong: AWF-NA: A Complete Solution for Tampered Packet Detection in VANETs. GLOBECOM 2008: 1950-1955
10EECongyi Liu, Chunxiao Chigan: RPB-MD: A Novel Robust Message Dissemination Method for VANETs. GLOBECOM 2008: 644-649
9EEChao Zou, Chunxiao Chigan: A Game Theoretic DSA-Driven MAC Framework for Cognitive Radio Networks. ICC 2008: 4165-4169
8EEChao Zou, Tao Jin, Chunxiao Chigan, Zhi Tian: QoS-aware distributed spectrum sharing for heterogeneous wireless cognitive networks. Computer Networks 52(4): 864-878 (2008)
7EEZhou Wang, Chunxiao Chigan: Countermeasure Uncooperative Behaviors with Dynamic Trust-Token in VANETs. ICC 2007: 3959-3964
6EEChunxiao Chigan, Jialiang Li: A Delay-Bounded Dynamic Interactive Power Control Algorithm for VANETs. ICC 2007: 5849-5855
5EETao Jin, Chunxiao Chigan, Zhi Tian: Game-theoretic Distributed Spectrum Sharing for Wireless Cognitive Networks with Heterogeneous QoS. GLOBECOM 2006
4EEChunxiao Chigan, Vikram Oberoi, Jialiang Li: RPB-MACn: A Relative Position Based Collision-free MAC Nucleus for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
3EEChunxiao Chigan, Vikram Oberoi: Providing QoS in Ubiquitous Telemedicine Networks. PerCom Workshops 2006: 496-500
2 Chunxiao Chigan, Leiyuan Li, Rahul Bandaru: Providing Unified Security Mechanisms for MANET Network Layer. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 721-726
1 Chunxiao Chigan, Rahul Bandaru: Towards a Perfect Secure Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Security and Management 2004: 135-140

Coauthor Index

1Rahul Bandaru [1] [2]
2Tao Jin [5] [8]
3Jialiang Li [4] [6]
4Leiyuan Li [2]
5Zhengming Li [11]
6Congyi Liu [10]
7Vikram Oberoi [3] [4]
8Zhi Tian [5] [8]
9Zhou Wang [7]
10Danniel Wong [11]
11Chao Zou [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)