
G. L. Chia

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12EEG. L. Chia, W. K. Kok: On non-symmetric commutative association schemes with exactly one pair of non-symmetric relations. Discrete Mathematics 306(24): 3189-3222 (2006)
11EEG. L. Chia, Poh-Hwa Ong: Isomorphic factorization of the complete graph into Cayley digraphs. Journal of Graph Theory 52(3): 243-256 (2006)
10EEG. L. Chia, V. L. Chia: On the Choice Numbers of Some Complete Multipartite Graphs. CJCDGCGT 2005: 30-37
9EEG. L. Chia, Siew-Hui Ong: Generalized knight's tours on rectangular chessboards. Discrete Applied Mathematics 150(1-3): 80-98 (2005)
8EEG. L. Chia: On the chromatic equivalence class of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 178(1-3): 15-23 (1998)
7EEC. C. Chen, G. L. Chia, K. M. Koh, N. Z. Li, K. L. Teo: Preface. Discrete Mathematics 172(1-3): 1 (1997)
6EEG. L. Chia: A bibliography on chromatic polynomials. Discrete Mathematics 172(1-3): 175-191 (1997)
5EEG. L. Chia: Some problems on chromatic polynomials. Discrete Mathematics 172(1-3): 39-44 (1997)
4EEG. L. Chia: The chromaticity of wheels with a missing spoke II. Discrete Mathematics 148(1-3): 305-310 (1996)
3EEG. L. Chia: On graphs uniquely colorable under the action of their automorphism groups. Discrete Mathematics 162(1-3): 281-284 (1996)
2EEG. L. Chia: On the chromatic equivalence class of a family of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 162(1-3): 285-289 (1996)
1EEG. L. Chia: The chromaticity of wheels with a missing spoke. Discrete Mathematics 82(2): 209-212 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1C. C. Chen [7]
2V. L. Chia [10]
3K. M. Koh [7]
4W. K. Kok [12]
5N. Z. Li [7]
6Poh-Hwa Ong [11]
7Siew-Hui Ong [9]
8K. L. Teo [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)