
Tom Chi

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16EELuke Kowalski, Carola Thompson, Tom Chi, Darren Mc Cormick, Omar Vasnaik, Peter Heller: What would you do with a 1 million dollar user experience marketing budget?: internal vs. external user experience evangelism. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2249-2252
15EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Helpless. Interactions 14(1): 5 (2007)
14EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Rock solid. Interactions 14(2): 9 (2007)
13EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Reporting structure. Interactions 14(3): 5 (2007)
12EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Aging technophiles. Interactions 14(4): 5 (2007)
11EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Prototyper archetypes. Interactions 13(1): 5 (2006)
10EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Outsourceful. Interactions 13(2): 5 (2006)
9EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Safe and secure. Interactions 13(3): 7 (2006)
8EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Gadget positioning system. Interactions 13(4): 7 (2006)
7EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Take a hike. Interactions 13(5): 7 (2006)
6EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Judgmental. Interactions 13(6): 9 (2006)
5EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Infinite loop. Interactions 12(2): 7 (2005)
4EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Who owns it? Interactions 12(3): 8 (2005)
3EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: HAT9000. Interactions 12(4): 5 (2005)
2EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Infoaction education. Interactions 12(5): 5 (2005)
1EETom Chi, Kevin Cheng: Web services panacea. Interactions 12(6): 5 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Kevin Cheng [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
2Darren Mc Cormick [16]
3Peter Heller [16]
4Luke Kowalski [16]
5Carola Thompson [16]
6Omar Vasnaik [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)