
K. S. Cheung

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15EEK. S. Cheung, K. O. Chow: Property-Preserving Composition of Distributed System Components. APPT 2007: 111-120
14EEK. S. Cheung, K. O. Chow: A Petri Net Based Method for Refining Object Oriented System Specifications. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 187: 161-172 (2007)
13EEK. S. Cheung: Boundedness and conservativeness of augmented marked graphs. IMA J. Math. Control & Information 24(2): 235-244 (2007)
12EEK. O. Chow, K. P. L. Cheung, K. S. Cheung: A Multi-Channeled Learning Materials Indexing & Enquiry System. ICUC 2006
11EEK. S. Cheung, T. Y. Cheung, K. O. Chow: A petri-net-based synthesis methodology for use-case-driven system design. Journal of Systems and Software 79(6): 772-790 (2006)
10 K. S. Cheung, K. O. Chow: Analysis of Manufacturing Systems Based on Augmented Marked Graphs. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 847-851
9EEK. S. Cheung, K. O. Chow: Elimination of Duplicate Labels in Petri-Net-Based System Specification. CIT 2005: 932-936
8EEK. S. Cheung, K. O. Chow: Cycle inclusion property of augmented marked graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 94(6): 271-276 (2005)
7EEPaul Kai-on Chow, Alan Y. K. Chan, K. S. Cheung: An XML Approach to Student Usage Reflection in Online Courses. CIT 2004: 339-344
6EEK. S. Cheung, Shiu Yin Yuen, Chun Ki Fong: Enhancement in performance of genetic algorithm for object location problem. ICARCV 2004: 692-697
5EEAlan Y. K. Chan, Paul Kai-on Chow, K. S. Cheung: Student Participation Index: Student Assessment in Online Courses. ICWL 2004: 449-456
4EEK. S. Cheung: New characterization for live and reversible augmented marked graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 92(5): 239-243 (2004)
3EEK. S. Cheung, K. O. Chow, T. Y. Cheung: Extending Formal Specification To Object-Oriented Models Through Level-View Structured Schemas. TOOLS (31) 1999: 118-125
2EEK. S. Cheung, K. O. Chow, T. Y. Cheung: Deriving Scenarios Of Object Interaction Through Petri Net. TOOLS (27) 1998: 104-
1 K. S. Cheung, Paul Kai-on Chow, T. Y. Cheung: Towards an Integration of Syntactic Constructs and Structural Features for Formalised Object-Oriented Methods. Ada-Europe 1997: 173-184

Coauthor Index

1Alan Y. K. Chan [5] [7]
2K. P. L. Cheung [12]
3T. Y. Cheung [1] [2] [3] [11]
4K. O. Chow [2] [3] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15]
5Paul Kai-on Chow [1] [5] [7]
6Chun Ki Fong [6]
7Shiu Yin Yuen (Shiu Yin Kelvin Yuen) [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)