
Chi-Chung Cheung

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8EEChi-Chung Cheung, Sin Chun Ng: Backpropagation with two-phase magnified gradient function. IJCNN 2008: 710-715
7EEMan-Ching Yuen, Weijia Jia, Chi-Chung Cheung: Efficient Distributed QoS Routing Protocol for MPLS Networks. ICPADS (1) 2005: 342-348
6 Joseph Fong, San Kuen Cheung, Herbert Shiu, Chi-Chung Cheung: Visualization of XML Conceptual Schema Recovered from XML Schema Definition. IJWIS 1(4): 208-222 (2005)
5 Man-Ching Yuen, Weijia Jia, Chi-Chung Cheung: Simple mathematical modeling of efficient path selection for QoS routing in load balancing. ICME 2004: 217-220
4EEChi-Chung Cheung, Man-Ching Yuen, Angus C. H. Yip: Dynamic DNS for Load Balancin. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 962-965
3 Chi-Chung Cheung, Danny H. K. Tsang, Sanjay Gupta: Modified Least Load Multicast Routings for Single Rate Fully-Connected Loss Networks. Telecommunication Systems 16(3-4): 455-466 (2001)
2EEChi-Chung Cheung, Danny H. K. Tsang, Sanjay Gupta: Dynamic multicast routing based on mean number of new calls accepted before blocking for single rate loss networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 8(5): 679-688 (2000)
1 Chi-Chung Cheung, Hon-Wai Chu, Danny H. K. Tsang, Sanjay Gupta: Multicast Routing in ATM Networks. Broadband Communications 1999: 457-468

Coauthor Index

1San Kuen Cheung [6]
2Hon-Wai Chu [1]
3Joseph Fong [6]
4Sanjay Gupta [1] [2] [3]
5Weijia Jia [5] [7]
6Sin Chun Ng [8]
7Herbert Shiu [6]
8Danny H. K. Tsang [1] [2] [3]
9Angus C. H. Yip [4]
10Man-Ching Yuen [4] [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)