
Amanda G. Chetwynd

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13EEAmanda G. Chetwynd, Susan J. Rhodes: Avoiding partial Latin squares and intricacy. Discrete Mathematics 177(1-3): 17-32 (1997)
12 Amanda G. Chetwynd, Roland Häggkvist: An Improvement of Hind's Upper Bound on the Total Chromatic Number. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 5: 94-104 (1996)
11EEHoward Bowman, Gordon S. Blair, Lynne Blair, Amanda G. Chetwynd: Formal description of distributed multimedia systems: an assessment of potential techniques. Computer Communications 18(12): 964-977 (1995)
10EEAmanda G. Chetwynd, Susan J. Rhodes: Chessboard squares. Discrete Mathematics 141(1-3): 47-59 (1995)
9 Howard Bowman, Lynne Blair, Gordon S. Blair, Amanda G. Chetwynd: A Formal Description Technique Supporting Expression of Quality of Service and Media Synchronisation. COST 237 Workshop 1994: 145-167
8 Howard Bowman, Gordon S. Blair, Lynne Blair, Amanda G. Chetwynd: Time Versus Abstraction in Formal Description. FORTE 1993: 467-482
7EELynne Drayton, Amanda G. Chetwynd, Gordon S. Blair: Introduction to LOTOS through a worked example. Computer Communications 15(2): 70-85 (1992)
6EEAmanda G. Chetwynd, Anthony J. W. Hilton: Outline symmetric latin squares. Discrete Mathematics 97(1-3): 101-117 (1991)
5EEAmanda G. Chetwynd, Anthony J. W. Hilton: The chromatic index of graphs with large maximum degree, where the number of vertices of maximum degree is relatively small. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 48(1): 45-66 (1990)
4EEAmanda G. Chetwynd, Anthony J. W. Hilton: 1-factorizing regular graphs of high degree - an improved bound. Discrete Mathematics 75(1-3): 103-112 (1989)
3EEAmanda G. Chetwynd, Anthony J. W. Hilton: A Delta-subgraph condition for a graph to be class 1. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 46(1): 37-45 (1989)
2EEAmanda G. Chetwynd, Anthony J. W. Hilton, Dean G. Hoffman: On the Delta-subgraph of graphs which are critical with respect to the chromatic index. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 46(2): 240-245 (1989)
1EEAmanda G. Chetwynd, H. P. Yap: Chromatic index critical graphs of order 9. Discrete Mathematics 47: 23-33 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Gordon S. Blair [7] [8] [9] [11]
2Lynne Blair [8] [9] [11]
3Howard Bowman [8] [9] [11]
4Lynne Drayton [7]
5Roland Häggkvist [12]
6Anthony J. W. Hilton [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
7Dean G. Hoffman [2]
8Susan J. Rhodes [10] [13]
9H. P. Yap [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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