
D. B. Chesnut

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5EED. B. Chesnut, L. D. Quin: Nature of bonding in the sulfuryl group. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(5): 734-738 (2004)
4EED. B. Chesnut: Localization function study of excitation processes in a set of small isoelectronic molecules. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(14): 1702-1711 (2001)
3EED. B. Chesnut, K. M. Davis: Resonance revisited: A consideration of the calculation of cyclic conjugation energies. Journal of Computational Chemistry 18(4): 584-593 (1997)
2EED. B. Chesnut, Edward F. C. Byrd: Accurate estimation of correlation energies using locally dense basis sets. Journal of Computational Chemistry 17(12): 1431-1443 (1996)
1 D. B. Chesnut: A Comparative Quatnum Mechanical Study of Bond Separation Energies as a Measure of Cyclic Conjugation. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(10): 1227-1237 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Edward F. C. Byrd [2]
2K. M. Davis [3]
3L. D. Quin [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)