
Jerry Cheng

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8EEJerry Cheng, Hao Yang, Starsky H. Y. Wong, Petros Zerfos, Songwu Lu: Design and Implementation of Cross-Domain Cooperative Firewall. ICNP 2007: 284-293
7EEJerry Cheng, Starsky H. Y. Wong, Hao Yang, Songwu Lu: SmartSiren: virus detection and alert for smartphones. MobiSys 2007: 258-271
6EEHaiyun Luo, Fan Ye, Jerry Cheng, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang: TTDD: Two-Tier Data Dissemination in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. Wireless Networks 11(1-2): 161-175 (2005)
5EEHaiyun Luo, Jerry Cheng, Songwu Lu: Self-Coordinating Localized Fair Queueing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 3(1): 86-98 (2004)
4EEHaiyun Luo, Songwu Lu, Vaduvur Bharghavan, Jerry Cheng, Gary Zhong: A Packet Scheduling Approach to QoS Support in Multihop Wireless Networks. MONET 9(3): 193-206 (2004)
3EEPetros Zerfos, Gary Zhong, Jerry Cheng, Haiyun Luo, Songwu Lu, Jia-Ru Li: DIRAC: a software-based wireless router system. MOBICOM 2003: 230-244
2EEFan Ye, Haiyun Luo, Jerry Cheng, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang: A two-tier data dissemination model for large-scale wireless sensor networks. MOBICOM 2002: 148-159
1EEHaiyun Luo, Paul Medvedev, Jerry Cheng, Songwu Lu: A Self-Coordinating Approach to Distributed Fair Queueing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2001: 1370-1379

Coauthor Index

1Vaduvur Bharghavan [4]
2Jia-Ru Li [3]
3Songwu Lu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
4Haiyun Luo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
5Paul Medvedev [1]
6Starsky H. Y. Wong [7] [8]
7Hao Yang [7] [8]
8Fan Ye [2] [6]
9Petros Zerfos [3] [8]
10Lixia Zhang [2] [6]
11Gary Zhong [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)