
Yu Qing Chen

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13EEYu Qing Chen, Kathy J. Horadam, Wei-Hung Liu: Relative difference sets fixed by inversion (III) - Cocycle theoretical approach. Discrete Mathematics 308(13): 2764-2775 (2008)
12EEK. T. Arasu, Yu Qing Chen, John F. Dillon, Xiaoyu Liu, Kevin J. Player: Abelian difference sets of order n dividing lambda. Des. Codes Cryptography 44(1-3): 307-319 (2007)
11EEK. T. Arasu, Yu Qing Chen, Alexander Pott: On abelian (22m+1(2m-1+1), 2m(2m+1), 2m)-difference sets. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 113(6): 1120-1137 (2006)
10EEYu Qing Chen, Yeol Je Cho, Donal O'Regan: On perturbations of accretive mappings. Appl. Math. Lett. 18(7): 775-781 (2005)
9EEYu Qing Chen, Cai Heng Li: Relative difference sets fixed by inversion and Cayley graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 111(1): 165-173 (2005)
8EEWei-Hung Liu, Yu Qing Chen, Kathy J. Horadam: Relative difference sets fixed by inversion (ii) - character theoretical approach. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 111(2): 175-189 (2005)
7 K. T. Arasu, Yu Qing Chen: A Difference Set in. Des. Codes Cryptography 23(3): 317-324 (2001)
6 Yu Qing Chen: On a Family of Covering Extended Building Sets. Des. Codes Cryptography 17(1-3): 69-72 (1999)
5 Yu Qing Chen: A Construction of Difference Sets. Des. Codes Cryptography 13(3): 247-250 (1998)
4EEYu Qing Chen: On Hamiltonicity of Vertex-Transitive Graphs and Digraphs of Orderp4. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 72(1): 110-121 (1998)
3EEYu Qing Chen, Dwijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri, Qing Xiang: Constructions of Partial Difference Sets and Relative Difference Sets Using Galois Rings II. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 76(2): 179-196 (1996)
2 Qing Xiang, Yu Qing Chen: On the Size of the Multiplier Groups of Cyclic Difference Sets. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 69(1): 168-169 (1995)
1 Yu Qing Chen, Qing Xiang, Surinder K. Sehgal: An Exponent Bound on Skew Hadamard Abelian Difference Sets. Des. Codes Cryptography 4(4): 313-317 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1K. T. Arasu [7] [11] [12]
2Yeol Je Cho [10]
3John F. Dillon [12]
4Kathy J. Horadam (K. J. Horadam) [8] [13]
5Cai Heng Li [9]
6Wei-Hung Liu [8] [13]
7Xiaoyu Liu [12]
8Donal O'Regan [10]
9Kevin J. Player [12]
10Alexander Pott [11]
11Dwijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri (Dwijen K. Ray-Chaudhuri) [3]
12Surinder K. Sehgal [1]
13Qing Xiang [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)