
Yaw-Chu Chen

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4EEYaw-Chu Chen, Kuei-Lun Chang: Applying Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Method to Evaluate Key Capabilities of Taiwan Motion Picture Companies. JCIS 2006
3EEYang-Cheng Lu, Yaw-Chu Chen: Applying Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Method to Evaluate the Credibility Ranking for Taiwan Banks' potential Debtors from the Viewpoint of Default Probability - A Taiwan LCD Panels Industry Case. JCIS 2006
2EEYaw-Chu Chen: An application of fuzzy set theory to the external performance evaluation of distribution centers in logistics. Soft Comput. 6(1): 64-70 (2002)
1EEYaw-Chu Chen: A study on the quality of credit granting in leasing: fuzzy set theory approach. Soft Comput. 5(3): 229-236 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Kuei-Lun Chang [4]
2Yang-Cheng Lu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)