
Yao-Min Chen

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4 Yao-Min Chen, Yanyan Yang: Policy management for network-based intrusion detection and prevention. NOMS (2) 2004: 219-232
3EEChao-Ju Hou, Ching-Chih Han, Yao-Min Chen: Communication Middleware and Software for QoS Control in Distributed Real-Time EnvironmentsSpecifically, we consider the following innovative research components. COMPSAC 1997: 558-564
2EEYao-Min Chen, Galen H. Sasaki: Routing in quasi torus networks. Networks 28(4): 195-209 (1996)
1 Yao-Min Chen, Galen H. Sasaki: Irregular Torus Networks: Deadlock Avoidance and Throughput Analysis. INFOCOM 1993: 312-321

Coauthor Index

1Ching-Chih Han [3]
2Jennifer C. Hou (Chao-Ju Hou) [3]
3Galen H. Sasaki [1] [2]
4Yanyan Yang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)