
Xiaofan Chen

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3EESamuel Hsiao-Heng Chang, Xiaofan Chen, Richard Anthony Priest, Beryl Plimmer: Issues of extending the user interface of integrated development environments. CHINZ 2008: 23-30
2EEXiaofan Chen, Tiejun Huang: Interoperability Issues in DRM and DMP Solutions. ICME 2007: 907-910
1EEXiaofan Chen, Beryl Plimmer: CodeAnnotator: digital ink annotation within Eclipse. OZCHI 2007: 211-214

Coauthor Index

1Samuel Hsiao-Heng Chang [3]
2Tiejun Huang [2]
3Beryl Plimmer [1] [3]
4Richard Anthony Priest [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)