
Stanley F. Chen

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11EEJing Huang, Martin Westphal, Stanley F. Chen, Olivier Siohan, Daniel Povey, Vit Libal, Alvaro Soneiro, Henrik Schulz, Thomas Ross, Gerasimos Potamianos: The IBM Rich Transcription Spring 2006 Speech-to-Text System for Lecture Meetings. MLMI 2006: 432-443
10EEStanley F. Chen, Brian Kingsbury, Lidia Mangu, Daniel Povey, George Saon, Hagen Soltau, Geoffrey Zweig: Advances in speech transcription at IBM under the DARPA EARS program. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(5): 1596-1608 (2006)
9EEHakan Erdogan, Ruhi Sarikaya, Stanley F. Chen, Yuqing Gao, Michael Picheny: Using semantic analysis to improve speech recognition performance. Computer Speech & Language 19(3): 321-343 (2005)
8EERonald Rosenfeld, Stanley F. Chen, Xiaojin Zhu: Whole-sentence exponential language models: a vehicle for linguistic-statistical integration. Computer Speech & Language 15(1): 55-73 (2001)
7EERichard Sproat, Alan W. Black, Stanley F. Chen, Shankar Kumar, Mari Ostendorf, Christopher Richards: Normalization of non-standard words. Computer Speech & Language 15(3): 287-333 (2001)
6 Stanley F. Chen, Joshua Goodman: An Empirical Study of Smoothing Techniques for Language Modeling. ACL 1996: 310-318
5EEStanley F. Chen, Joshua Goodman: An Empirical Study of Smoothing Techniques for Language Modeling CoRR cmp-lg/9606011: (1996)
4EEStanley F. Chen: Building Probabilistic Models for Natural Language CoRR cmp-lg/9606014: (1996)
3 Stanley F. Chen: Bayesian Grammar Induction for Language Modeling. ACL 1995: 228-235
2EEStanley F. Chen: Bayesian Grammar Induction for Language Modeling CoRR cmp-lg/9504034: (1995)
1 Stanley F. Chen: Aligning Sentences in Bilingual Corpora using Lexical Information. ACL 1993: 9-16

Coauthor Index

1Alan W. Black [7]
2Hakan Erdogan [9]
3Yuqing Gao [9]
4Joshua Goodman (Joshua T. Goodman) [5] [6]
5Jing Huang [11]
6Brian Kingsbury [10]
7Shankar Kumar [7]
8Vit Libal [11]
9Lidia Mangu [10]
10Mari Ostendorf [7]
11Michael Picheny [9]
12Gerasimos Potamianos [11]
13Daniel Povey [10] [11]
14Christopher Richards [7]
15Ronald Rosenfeld (Roni Rosenfeld) [8]
16Thomas Ross [11]
17George Saon [10]
18Ruhi Sarikaya [9]
19Henrik Schulz [11]
20Olivier Siohan [11]
21Hagen Soltau [10]
22Alvaro Soneiro [11]
23Richard Sproat [7]
24Martin Westphal [11]
25Xiaojin Zhu [8]
26Geoffrey Zweig [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)