
Huan Chen

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14EEBo-Chao Cheng, Huan Chen, Guo-Tan Liao: FBT: an efficient traceback scheme in hierarchical wireless sensor network. Security and Communication Networks 2(2): 133-144 (2009)
13EEHuan Chen, Jin Xiong, Ninghui Sun: A novel hint-based I/O mechanism for centralized file server of cluster. CLUSTER 2008: 194-201
12EEBo-Chao Cheng, Huan Chen, Guo-Tan Liao: A Novel Marking Probability Distribution Using Probability Propagation in Hierarchical WSN. Inscrypt 2008: 265-274
11EEBo-Chao Cheng, Huan Chen, Yi-Jean Li, Ryh-Yuh Tseng: A packet marking with fair probability distribution function for minimizing the convergence time in wireless sensor networks. Computer Communications 31(18): 4352-4359 (2008)
10EEHuan Chen, Guihai Chen: A Resource-based Reputation Rating Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Networks. GCC 2007: 535-541
9EEBo-Chao Cheng, Huan Chen, Ryh-Yuh Tseng: A Theoretical Security Model for Access Control and Security Assurance. IAS 2007: 137-142
8EEHuan Chen, Cheng-Shong Wu, Yuan-Sun Chu, Chih-Chuan Cheng, Li-Kuang Tsai: Energy Residue Aware (ERA) Clustering Algorithm for Leach-based Wireless Sensor Networks. ICSNC 2007: 40
7EEHuan Chen, Yi Zhao, Jin Xiong, Jie Ma, Ninghui Sun: United-FS: A Logical File System Providing a Single Image of Multiple Physical File Systems on NFS Server. IPDPS 2007: 1-7
6EEHuan Chen, Hui-Kai Su, Bo-Chao Cheng: An objective-oriented service model for VoIP overlay networks over DiffServ/MPLS networks. Computer Communications 30(16): 3055-3062 (2007)
5EEHuan Chen, Rongfeng Tang, Yi Zhao, Jin Xiong, Jie Ma, Ninghui Sun: Research on Key Technologies of Load Balancing for NFS Server with Multiple Network Paths. GCC Workshops 2006: 407-411
4EEBo-Chao Cheng, Huan Chen: Quality Assurance for Evidence Collection in Network Forensics. WISA 2006: 121-132
3EEHuan Chen, Chili-Chuan Cheng: Priority access for hybrid handoff wireless systems. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 1028-1032
2EEHuan Chen, Sunil Kumar, C. C. Jay Kuo: QoS-aware radio resource management scheme for CDMA cellular networks based on dynamic interference guard margin (IGM). Computer Networks 46(6): 867-879 (2004)
1 Huan Chen, Sunil Kumar, C. C. Jay Kuo: Call admission control for CDMA systems with Interference Guard Margin (IGM). VCIP 2002: 344-355

Coauthor Index

1Guihai Chen [10]
2Bo-Chao Cheng [4] [6] [9] [11] [12] [14]
3Chih-Chuan Cheng [8]
4Chili-Chuan Cheng [3]
5Yuan-Sun Chu [8]
6Sunil Kumar [1] [2]
7C. C. Jay Kuo [1] [2]
8Yi-Jean Li [11]
9Guo-Tan Liao [12] [14]
10Jie Ma [5] [7]
11Hui-Kai Su [6]
12Ninghui Sun [5] [7] [13]
13Rongfeng Tang [5]
14Li-Kuang Tsai [8]
15Ryh-Yuh Tseng [9] [11]
16Cheng-Shong Wu [8]
17Jin Xiong [5] [7] [13]
18Yi Zhao [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)