
Ciprian Chelba

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18EECiprian Chelba, Jorge Silva, Alex Acero: Soft indexing of speech content for search in spoken documents. Computer Speech & Language 21(3): 458-478 (2007)
17EECiprian Chelba, Timothy J. Hazen: Automatic Spoken Document Processing for Retrieval and Browsing. HLT-NAACL 2006
16EEZheng-Yu Zhou, Peng Yu, Ciprian Chelba, Frank Seide: Towards Spoken-Document Retrieval for the Internet: Lattice Indexing For Large-Scale Web-Search Architectures. HLT-NAACL 2006
15EECiprian Chelba, Alex Acero: Adaptation of maximum entropy capitalizer: Little data can help a lot. Computer Speech & Language 20(4): 382-399 (2006)
14EECiprian Chelba, Alex Acero: Position Specific Posterior Lattices for Indexing Speech. ACL 2005
13EECiprian Chelba, Alex Acero: SPEECH OGLE: Indexing Uncertainty for Spoken Document Search. ACL 2005
12EEPeng Xu, Ciprian Chelba, Frederick Jelinek: A Study on Richer Syntactic Dependencies for Structured Language Modeling. ACL 2002: 191-198
11EECiprian Chelba: Portability of Syntactic Structure for Language Modeling CoRR cs.CL/0108022: (2001)
10EECiprian Chelba, Milind Mahajan: Information Extraction Using the Structured Language Model CoRR cs.CL/0108023: (2001)
9EECiprian Chelba, Peng Xu: Richer Syntactic Dependencies for Structured Language Modeling CoRR cs.CL/0110015: (2001)
8EECiprian Chelba: Exploiting Syntactic Structure for Natural Language Modeling CoRR cs.CL/0001020: (2000)
7EECiprian Chelba, Frederick Jelinek: Refinement of a Structured Language Model CoRR cs.CL/0001021: (2000)
6EECiprian Chelba, Frederick Jelinek: Recognition Performance of a Structured Language Model CoRR cs.CL/0001022: (2000)
5EECiprian Chelba, Frederick Jelinek: Structured Language Modeling for Speech Recognition CoRR cs.CL/0001023: (2000)
4 Ciprian Chelba, Frederick Jelinek: Exploiting Syntactic Structure for Language Modeling. COLING-ACL 1998: 225-231
3EECiprian Chelba, Frederick Jelinek: Expoiting Syntactic Structure for Language Modeling CoRR cs.CL/9811022: (1998)
2EECiprian Chelba: A Structured Language Model CoRR cs.CL/9811025: (1998)
1 Ciprian Chelba: A Structured Language Model. ACL 1997: 498-500

Coauthor Index

1Alex Acero [13] [14] [15] [18]
2Timothy J. Hazen [17]
3Frederick Jelinek [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [12]
4Milind Mahajan [10]
5Frank Seide [16]
6Jorge Silva [18]
7Peng Xu [9] [12]
8Peng Yu [16]
9Zheng-Yu Zhou [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)