2009 |
18 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev,
Rafig Agaev:
Coordination in multiagent systems and Laplacian spectra of digraphs
CoRR abs/0902.4098: (2009) |
17 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev:
On graph theoretic results underlying the analysis of consensus in multi-agent systems
CoRR abs/0902.4218: (2009) |
16 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev:
Analytical Expression of the Expected Values of Capital at Voting in the Stochastic Environment
CoRR abs/0902.4514: (2009) |
2008 |
15 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev:
Spanning forests and the golden ratio.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(5): 813-821 (2008) |
2006 |
14 | EE | Rafig Agaev,
Pavel Chebotarev:
The Matrix of Maximum Out Forests of a Digraph and Its Applications
CoRR abs/math/0602059: (2006) |
13 | EE | Rafig Agaev,
Pavel Chebotarev:
Spanning Forests of a Digraph and Their Applications
CoRR abs/math/0602061: (2006) |
12 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev,
Elena Shamis:
The Matrix-Forest Theorem and Measuring Relations in Small Social Groups
CoRR abs/math/0602070: (2006) |
11 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev,
Elena Shamis:
On Proximity Measures for Graph Vertices
CoRR abs/math/0602073: (2006) |
10 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev,
Elena Shamis:
Preference fusion when the number of alternatives exceeds two: indirect scoring procedures
CoRR abs/math/0602171: (2006) |
9 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev,
Elena Shamis:
Characterizations of scoring methods for preference aggregation
CoRR abs/math/0602522: (2006) |
8 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev,
Elena Shamis:
From Incomplete Preferences to Ranking via Optimization
CoRR abs/math/0602552: (2006) |
7 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev,
Elena Shamis:
The Forest Metric for Graph Vertices
CoRR abs/math/0602573: (2006) |
6 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev,
Elena Shamis:
Matrix-Forest Theorems
CoRR abs/math/0602575: (2006) |
2005 |
5 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev,
Rafig Agaev:
Matrices of Forests and the Analysis of Digraphs
CoRR abs/math/0508171: (2005) |
4 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev,
Elena Shamis:
On a Duality between Metrics and $\Sigma$-Proximities
CoRR abs/math/0508183: (2005) |
3 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev:
Extending Utility Representations of Partial Orders
CoRR abs/math/0508199: (2005) |
2002 |
2 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev:
Spanning Forests of Digraphs and Limiting Probabilities of Markov Chains.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 11: 108-116 (2002) |
1 | EE | Pavel Chebotarev,
Elena Shamis:
The Forest Metrics for Graph Vertices.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 11: 98-107 (2002) |