
Debdeep Chatterjee

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3EEDebdeep Chatterjee, Tan F. Wong, Tat M. Lok: Cooperative Transmission in a Wireless Cluster based on Flow Management CoRR abs/0903.2820: (2009)
2EEDebdeep Chatterjee, Tan F. Wong, Tat M. Lok: Cooperative Transmission in a Wireless Cluster Based on Flow Management. WCNC 2008: 30-35
1EEDebdeep Chatterjee, Surendra Boppana, Tan F. Wong, John M. Shea: Performance Comparison of Optimal and Suboptimal Forward-Link Channel-Sharing Schemes. ICC 2007: 791-796

Coauthor Index

1Surendra Boppana [1]
2Tat M. Lok [2] [3]
3John M. Shea [1]
4Tan F. Wong [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)