
Michel Charpentier

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21EEMichel Charpentier, Radim Bartos, Swapnil Bhatia: A Mechanism to Structure Mission-Aware Interaction in Mobile Sensor Networks. ICDCN 2009: 425-436
20EEK. Mani Chandy, Michel Charpentier, Agostino Capponi: Towards a theory of events. DEBS 2007: 180-187
19EEK. Mani Chandy, Michel Charpentier: Self-Similar Algorithms for Dynamic Distributed Systems. ICDCS 2007: 67
18EEMichel Charpentier: Composing invariants. Sci. Comput. Program. 60(3): 221-243 (2006)
17EEMichel Charpentier, Gérard Padiou, Philippe Quéinnec: Cooperative Mobile Agents to Gather Global Information. NCA 2005: 271-274
16EEMichel Charpentier, K. Mani Chandy: Specification transformers: a predicate transformer approach to composition. Acta Inf. 40(4): 265-301 (2004)
15EEMichel Charpentier: Composing Invariants. FME 2003: 401-421
14EEMichel Charpentier: An Approach to Composition Motivated by wp. FASE 2002: 1-14
13EEMichel Charpentier, Beverly A. Sanders: Workshop Introduction. IPDPS 2002
12 K. Mani Chandy, Michel Charpentier: An Experiment in Program Composition and Proof. Formal Methods in System Design 20(1): 7-21 (2002)
11EEMichel Charpentier, K. Mani Chandy: Reasoning about Composition Using Property Transformers and Their Conjugates. IFIP TCS 2000: 580-595
10 Michel Charpentier, K. Mani Chandy: Theorems about Composition. MPC 2000: 167-186
9 Michel Charpentier, K. Mani Chandy: Examples of Program Composition Illustrating the Use of Universal Properties. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 1215-1227
8 Michel Charpentier, Mamoun Filali, Philippe Mauran, Gérard Padiou, Philippe Quéinnec: Modelling and Verifying Migration: A case study. OPODIS 1999: 149-164
7EEMichel Charpentier, K. Mani Chandy: Towards a Compositional Approach to the Design and Verification of Distributed Systems. World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 570-589
6EEMichel Charpentier, Mamoun Filali, Philippe Mauran, Gérard Padiou, Philippe Quéinnec: The Observation: An Abstract Communication Mechanism. Parallel Processing Letters 9(3): 437-450 (1999)
5 Michel Charpentier, Mamoun Filali, Philippe Mauran, Gérard Padiou, Philippe Quéinnec: Tailoring UNITY to Distributed Program Design. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 820-832
4 Michel Charpentier, Gérard Padiou: Specification and Verification of the ATMR Protocol Using Unity. Part 1: Modeling and Specification of the Protocol. Parallel Processing Letters 8(4): 421-432 (1998)
3 Michel Charpentier, Gérard Padiou: Specification and Verification of the ATMR Protocol Using Unity. Part 2: Correctness Proof. Parallel Processing Letters 8(4): 433-445 (1998)
2 Michel Charpentier: A UNITY Mapping Operator for Distributed Programs. FME 1997: 665-684
1 Michel Charpentier, Mamoun Filali, Philippe Mauran, Gérard Padiou, Philippe Quéinnec: Abstracting Communication to Reason about Distributed Algorithms. WDAG 1996: 89-104

Coauthor Index

1Radim Bartos [21]
2Swapnil Bhatia [21]
3Agostino Capponi [20]
4K. Mani Chandy [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [16] [19] [20]
5Mamoun Filali [1] [5] [6] [8]
6Philippe Mauran [1] [5] [6] [8]
7Gérard Padiou [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [17]
8Philippe Quéinnec [1] [5] [6] [8] [17]
9Beverly A. Sanders [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)