
Yuh-Lin Chang

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7 Yun-Ting Lin, Yuh-Lin Chang: Tracking Deformable Objects with the Active Contour Model. ICMCS 1997: 608-609
6EEYuh-Lin Chang, Jake K. Aggarwal: Line Correspondences from Cooperating Spatial and Temporal Grouping Processes for a Sequence of Images. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 67(2): 186-201 (1997)
5 Yuh-Lin Chang, Wenjun Zeng, Ibrahim Kamel, Rafael Alonso: Integrated Image and Speech Analysis for Content-Based Video Indexing. ICMCS 1996: 306-313
4EEYuh-Lin Chang, Jake K. Aggarwal: Representing and estimating 3-D lines. Pattern Recognition 28(8): 1181-1190 (1995)
3EERafael Alonso, Yuh-Lin Chang, Liviu Iftode, V. S. Mani: Managing Video Data in a Mobile Environment. SIGMOD Record 24(4): 28-33 (1995)
2EEYuh-Lin Chang, Daniel P. Lopresti: The Effects of Document Image Defects on Line Drawing Analysis Algorithms. MVA 1994: 522-527
1EEYuh-Lin Chang, Xavier Lebègue, Jake K. Aggarwal: Calibrating a mobile camera's parameters. Pattern Recognition 26(1): 75-88 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Jake K. Aggarwal (J. K. Aggarwal) [1] [4] [6]
2Rafael Alonso [3] [5]
3Liviu Iftode [3]
4Ibrahim Kamel [5]
5Xavier Lebègue [1]
6Yun-Ting Lin [7]
7Daniel P. Lopresti [2]
8V. S. Mani [3]
9Wenjun Zeng [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)