
Yi-Chieh Chang

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8 Yi-Chieh Chang, Kang G. Shin: Load Sharing in Hypercube-Connected Multicomputers in the Presence of Node Failures. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(10): 1203-1211 (1996)
7 Javier Veda-Pineda, Sergio D. Cabrera, Yi-Chieh Chang: VLSI Implementation of a Wavelet Image Compression Technique Using Replicated Coding/Decoding Cells. ISCAS 1995: 1173-1176
6 Kang G. Shin, Yi-Chieh Chang: A Reservation-Based Algorithm for Scheduling Both Periodic and Aperiodic Real-Time Tasks. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(12): 1405-1419 (1995)
5 Kang G. Shin, Yi-Chieh Chang: A Coordinated Location Policy for Load Sharing in Hypercube-Connected Multicomputers. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(5): 669-682 (1995)
4 Yi-Chieh Chang, Kang G. Shin: Optimal Load Sharing in Distributed Real-Time Systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 19(1): 38-50 (1993)
3 Yi-Chieh Chang, Kang G. Shin: Load Sharing in Hypercube Multicomputers in the Presence of Node Failures. FTCS 1991: 188-195
2 Kang G. Shin, Yi-Chieh Chang: Load Sharing in Distributed Real-Time Systems with Broadcast of State Changes. SIGMETRICS 1989: 234
1 Kang G. Shin, Yi-Chieh Chang: Load Sharing in Distributed Real-Time Systems with State-Change Broadcasts. IEEE Trans. Computers 38(8): 1124-1142 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Sergio D. Cabrera [7]
2Kang G. Shin [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
3Javier Veda-Pineda [7]

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