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R. Chandrasekaran
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2008 | ||
37 | EE | Srinivasan Krishnamurthy, Mansi Ramakrishnan Thoppian, Srikant Kuppa, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran, Neeraj Mittal, Subbarayan Venkatesan, Ravi Prakash: Time-efficient distributed layer-2 auto-configuration for cognitive radio networks. Computer Networks 52(4): 831-849 (2008) |
36 | EE | Santosh N. Kabadi, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran, K. P. K. Nair, Yash P. Aneja: Integer version of the multipath flow network synthesis problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(18): 3376-3399 (2008) |
35 | EE | Maulin Patel, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran, Subbarayan Venkatesan: Improved quasi-path restoration in mesh networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 16(1): 144-156 (2008) |
2007 | ||
34 | EE | Maulin Patel, S. Venkatesan, R. Chandrasekaran: A Network-flow based Integral Optimal Algorithm for Lexicographic Maximum Lifetime Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICCCN 2007: 850-855 |
33 | EE | Yash P. Aneja, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran, Santosh N. Kabadi, K. P. K. Nair: Flows over edge-disjoint mixed multipaths and applications. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(15): 1979-2000 (2007) |
32 | EE | Young U. Ryu, R. Chandrasekaran, Varghese S. Jacob: Breast cancer prediction using the isotonic separation technique. European Journal of Operational Research 181(2): 842-854 (2007) |
31 | EE | Donglei Du, R. Chandrasekaran: The maximum residual flow problem: NP-hardness with two-arc destruction. Networks 50(3): 181-182 (2007) |
2006 | ||
30 | EE | Srinivasan Krishnamurthy, R. Chandrasekaran, Neeraj Mittal, Subbarayan Venkatesan: Brief Announcement: Synchronous Distributed Algorithms for Node Discovery and Configuration in Multi-channel Cognitive Radio Networks. DISC 2006: 572-574 |
29 | EE | Mansi Ramakrishnan Thoppian, Subbarayan Venkatesan, Ravi Prakash, R. Chandrasekaran: MAC-Layer Scheduling in Cognitive Radio based Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. WOWMOM 2006: 191-202 |
28 | EE | Donglei Du, R. Chandrasekaran: The multiroute maximum flow problem revisited. Networks 47(2): 81-92 (2006) |
2005 | ||
27 | EE | Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran, Ovidiu Daescu, Jun Luo: Cutting Out Polygons. CCCG 2005: 183-186 |
26 | Srinivasan Krishnamurthy, Mansi Ramakrishnan Thoppian, Srikant Kuppa, Subbarayan Venkatesan, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran, Neeraj Mittal, Ravi Prakash: Time-Efficient Layer-2 Auto-Configuration for Cognitive Radios. IASTED PDCS 2005: 459-464 | |
25 | EE | Maulin Patel, R. Chandrasekaran, S. Venkatesan: Energy efficient sensor, relay and base station placements for coverage, connectivity and routing. IPCCC 2005: 581-586 |
24 | EE | Santosh N. Kabadi, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran, K. P. K. Nair: Multiroute flows: Cut-trees and realizability. Discrete Optimization 2(3): 229-240 (2005) |
23 | EE | Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran, Young U. Ryu, Varghese S. Jacob, Sungchul Hong: Isotonic Separation. INFORMS Journal on Computing 17(4): 462-474 (2005) |
2004 | ||
22 | Maulin Patel, R. Chandrasekaran, S. Venkatesan: Efficient Minimum-Cost Bandwidth-Constrained Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 447-453 | |
21 | EE | R. Chandrasekaran, Kunhiraman Nair, Yash P. Aneja, Santosh N. Kabadi: Multi-terminal multipath flows: synthesis. Discrete Applied Mathematics 143(1-3): 182-193 (2004) |
20 | EE | Yash P. Aneja, R. Chandrasekaran, K. P. K. Nair: Minimal-cost system reliability with discrete-choice sets for components. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 53(1): 71-76 (2004) |
2003 | ||
19 | Laxmi Gewali, Joy Bhadury, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran: Network Design Subject to Facility Location. CCCG 2003: 128-131 | |
18 | EE | Yash P. Aneja, R. Chandrasekaran, Kunhiraman Nair: Parametric Min-cuts Analysis in a Network. Discrete Applied Mathematics 127(3): 679-689 (2003) |
17 | EE | Yash P. Aneja, R. Chandrasekaran, Kunhiraman Nair: Parametric analysis of overall min-cuts and applications in undirected networks. Inf. Process. Lett. 85(2): 105-109 (2003) |
16 | EE | John F. Rudin III, R. Chandrasekaran: Improved Bounds for the Online Scheduling Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 32(3): 717-735 (2003) |
2001 | ||
15 | EE | Yash P. Aneja, R. Chandrasekaran, Kunhiraman Nair: Maximizing residual flow under an arc destruction. Networks 38(4): 194-198 (2001) |
1999 | ||
14 | EE | Varghese S. Jacob, Ramayya Krishnan, Young U. Ryu, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran, Sungchul Hong: Filtering objectionable internet content. ICIS 1999: 274-278 |
1998 | ||
13 | EE | Joy Bhadury, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran, Laxmi Gewali: Constructing median constrained minimum spanning tree. CCCG 1998 |
1997 | ||
12 | EE | Joy Bhadury, V. Chandru, A. Maheshwari, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran: Art Gallery Problems for Convex Nested Polygons. INFORMS Journal on Computing 9(1): 100-110 (1997) |
11 | R. Chandrasekaran, Bo Chen, Gábor Galambos, P. R. Narayanan, André van Vliet: A Note on ``An On-Line Scheduling Heuristic with Better Worst Case Ratio than Graham's List Scheduling''. SIAM J. Comput. 26(3): 870-872 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
10 | Joy Bhadury, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran: Finding the Set of All Minimal Nested Convex Polygons. CCCG 1996: 26-31 | |
1994 | ||
9 | Sambhavi Lakshminarayanan, R. Chandrasekaran: A rounding algorithm for integer programs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 50(3): 267-282 (1994) | |
1990 | ||
8 | S. Sridhar, R. Chandrasekaran: Integer Solution to Synthesis of Communication Networks. IPCO 1990: 467-483 | |
7 | EE | Santosh N. Kabadi, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran: On totally dual integral systems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 26(1): 87-104 (1990) |
6 | R. Chandrasekaran, Arie Tamir: Algebraic Optimization: The Fermat-Weber Location Problem. Math. Program. 46: 219-224 (1990) | |
1988 | ||
5 | EE | R. Chandrasekaran, Santosh N. Kabadi: Pseudomatroids. Discrete Mathematics 71(3): 205-217 (1988) |
1984 | ||
4 | EE | R. Chandrasekaran, S. Shirali: Total weak unimodularity: testing and applications. Discrete Mathematics 51(2): 137-145 (1984) |
3 | Rick P. Millane, J. K. Walker, S. Arnott, R. Chandrasekaran, D. L. Birdsall, R. L. Ratliff: Structure of a pleiomeric form of poly d(AT): poly d(AT). Nucleic Acids Research 12(13): 5475-5493 (1984) | |
1981 | ||
2 | Nimrod Megiddo, Arie Tamir, Eitan Zemel, R. Chandrasekaran: An O(n log² n) Algorithm for the k-th Longest Path in a Tree with Applications to Location Problems. SIAM J. Comput. 10(2): 328-337 (1981) | |
1978 | ||
1 | EE | Gift Siromoney, R. Chandrasekaran, M. Chandrasekaran: Computer recognition of printed Tamil characters. Pattern Recognition 10(4): 243-247 (1978) |