
L. Sunil Chandran

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40EEB. V. S. Bharadwaj, L. Sunil Chandran, Anita Das: Isoperimetric Problem and Meta-Fibonacci Sequences. COCOON 2008: 22-30
39EEL. Sunil Chandran, Mathew C. Francis, Naveen Sivadasan: On the cubicity of AT-free graphs and circular-arc graphs CoRR abs/0803.3670: (2008)
38EEL. Sunil Chandran, Anita Das, Naveen Sivadasan: On the cubicity of bipartite graphs CoRR abs/0810.2697: (2008)
37EEL. Sunil Chandran, Naveen Sivadasan: The cubicity of hypercube graphs. Discrete Mathematics 308(23): 5795-5800 (2008)
36EEManu Basavaraju, L. Sunil Chandran: Acyclic edge coloring of subcubic graphs. Discrete Mathematics 308(24): 6650-6653 (2008)
35EEL. Sunil Chandran, Mathew C. Francis, Naveen Sivadasan: Boxicity and maximum degree. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 98(2): 443-445 (2008)
34EEL. Sunil Chandran, Naveen Sivadasan: On the Hadwiger's conjecture for graph products. Discrete Mathematics 307(2): 266-273 (2007)
33EEL. Sunil Chandran, Mathew C. Francis, Naveen Sivadasan: On the Cubicity of Interval Graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 29: 315-319 (2007)
32EEN. S. Narayanaswamy, N. Belkale, L. Sunil Chandran, Naveen Sivadasan: A note on the Hadwiger number of circular arc graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 104(1): 10-13 (2007)
31EEL. Sunil Chandran, Naveen Sivadasan: Boxicity and treewidth. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 97(5): 733-744 (2007)
30EECarlo Mannino, Gianpaolo Oriolo, Federico Ricci, L. Sunil Chandran: The stable set problem and the thinness of a graph. Oper. Res. Lett. 35(1): 1-9 (2007)
29EEL. Sunil Chandran, L. Shankar Ram: On the relationship between ATSP and the cycle cover problem. Theor. Comput. Sci. 370(1-3): 218-228 (2007)
28EEL. Sunil Chandran, Naveen Sivadasan: Geometric Representation of Graphs in Low Dimension. COCOON 2006: 398-407
27EEK. Murali Krishnan, L. Sunil Chandran: Hardness of Approximation Results for the Problem of Finding the Stopping Distance in Tanner Graphs. FSTTCS 2006: 69-80
26EEL. Sunil Chandran, Mathew C. Francis, Naveen Sivadasan: Geometric representation of graphs in low dimension CoRR abs/cs/0605013: (2006)
25EEL. Sunil Chandran, Mathew C. Francis, Naveen Sivadasan: Representing graphs as the intersection of axis-parallel cubes CoRR abs/cs/0607092: (2006)
24EEK. Murali Krishnan, Rajdeep Singh, L. Sunil Chandran, Priti Shankar: A Combinatorial Family of Near Regular LDPC Codes CoRR abs/cs/0609146: (2006)
23EEAnkur Bohra, L. Sunil Chandran, J. Krishnam Raju: Boxicity of series-parallel graphs. Discrete Mathematics 306(18): 2219-2221 (2006)
22EEL. Sunil Chandran, Telikepalli Kavitha: The carvingwidth of hypercubes. Discrete Mathematics 306(18): 2270-2274 (2006)
21EEL. Sunil Chandran, Fabrizio Grandoni: A linear time algorithm to list the minimal separators of chordal graphs. Discrete Mathematics 306(3): 351-358 (2006)
20EEL. Sunil Chandran, Telikepalli Kavitha: The treewidth and pathwidth of hypercubes. Discrete Mathematics 306(3): 359-365 (2006)
19EEL. Sunil Chandran, Vadim V. Lozin, C. R. Subramanian: Graphs of low chordality. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 7(1): 25-36 (2005)
18EEL. Sunil Chandran, Naveen Sivadasan: On the Hadwiger number of hypercubes and its generalizations. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19: 155-161 (2005)
17EEL. Sunil Chandran, Fabrizio Grandoni: Refined memorization for vertex cover. Inf. Process. Lett. 93(3): 123-131 (2005)
16EEL. Sunil Chandran, Carlo Mannino, Gianpaolo Oriolo: On the cubicity of certain graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 94(3): 113-118 (2005)
15EEL. Sunil Chandran, C. R. Subramanian: Girth and treewidth. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 93(1): 23-32 (2005)
14EEL. Sunil Chandran, N. S. Narayanaswamy: On the Arrangement of Cliques in Chordal Graphs with Respect to the Cuts. COCOON 2004: 151-160
13EEL. Sunil Chandran, Fabrizio Grandoni: Refined Memorisation for Vertex Cover. IWPEC 2004: 61-70
12EEL. Sunil Chandran: Minimum cuts, girth and a spectral threshold. Inf. Process. Lett. 89(3): 105-110 (2004)
11EEL. Sunil Chandran, L. Shankar Ram: On the Number of Minimum Cuts in a Graph. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 18(1): 177-194 (2004)
10EEL. Sunil Chandran, Telikepalli Kavitha, C. R. Subramanian: Isoperimetric Inequalities and the Width Parameters of Graphs. COCOON 2003: 385-393
9EEL. Sunil Chandran: A lower bound for the hitting set size for combinatorial rectangles and an application. Inf. Process. Lett. 86(2): 75-78 (2003)
8EEL. Sunil Chandran, C. R. Subramanian: A spectral lower bound for the treewidth of a graph and its consequences. Inf. Process. Lett. 87(4): 195-200 (2003)
7EEL. Sunil Chandran: A High Girth Graph Construction. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 16(3): 366-370 (2003)
6EEL. Sunil Chandran, Louis Ibarra, Frank Ruskey, Joe Sawada: Generating and characterizing the perfect elimination orderings of a chordal graph. Theor. Comput. Sci. 307(2): 303-317 (2003)
5EEL. Sunil Chandran, L. Shankar Ram: On the Number of Minimum Cuts in a Graph. COCOON 2002: 220-229
4EEL. Sunil Chandran, L. Shankar Ram: Approximations for ATSP with Parametrized Triangle Inequality. STACS 2002: 227-237
3EEL. Sunil Chandran: A Linear Time Algorithm for Enumerating All the Minimum and Minimal Separators of a Chordal Graph. COCOON 2001: 308-317
2EEL. Sunil Chandran: Edge Connectivity vs Vertex Connectivity in Chordal Graphs. COCOON 2001: 384-389
1EEL. Sunil Chandran: A High Girth Graph Construction and a Lower Bound for Hitting Set Size for Combinatorial Rectangles. FSTTCS 1999: 283-290

Coauthor Index

1Manu Basavaraju [36]
2N. Belkale [32]
3B. V. S. Bharadwaj [40]
4Ankur Bohra [23]
5Anita Das [38] [40]
6Mathew C. Francis [25] [26] [33] [35] [39]
7Fabrizio Grandoni [13] [17] [21]
8Louis Ibarra [6]
9Telikepalli Kavitha [10] [20] [22]
10K. Murali Krishnan [24] [27]
11Vadim V. Lozin [19]
12Carlo Mannino [16] [30]
13N. S. Narayanaswamy [14] [32]
14Gianpaolo Oriolo [16] [30]
15J. Krishnam Raju [23]
16L. Shankar Ram [4] [5] [11] [29]
17Federico Ricci [30]
18Frank Ruskey [6]
19Joe Sawada [6]
20Priti Shankar [24]
21Rajdeep Singh [24]
22Naveen Sivadasan [18] [25] [26] [28] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [37] [38] [39]
23C. R. Subramanian [8] [10] [15] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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