
Charu Chandra

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8EECharu Chandra, Armen Tumanyan: Organization and problem ontology for supply chain information support system. Data Knowl. Eng. 61(2): 263-280 (2007)
7EEXiangyang Li, Charu Chandra: Efficient knowledge integration to support a complex supply network management. IJMTM 10(1): 1-18 (2007)
6EECharu Chandra, Janis Grabis: Application of multi-steps forecasting for restraining the bullwhip effect and improving inventory performance under autoregressive demand. European Journal of Operational Research 166(2): 337-350 (2005)
5EECharu Chandra, Alexander V. Smirnov: Virtual Supply Chain Management: Information Framework and Agreement Network Model. CSCWD 2001: 466-471
4EESameer Kumar, Charu Chandra: Enhancing the effectiveness of benchmarking in manufacturing organizations. Industrial Management and Data Systems 101(2): 80-89 (2001)
3EECharu Chandra, Sameer Kumar: Enterprise architectural framework for supply-chain integration. Industrial Management and Data Systems 101(6): 290-304 (2001)
2EESameer Kumar, Charu Chandra, Mike Stoerzinger: Serve your supply chain, not operations - a case study. Industrial Management and Data Systems 101(8): 414-425 (2001)
1 Charu Chandra, Alexander V. Smirnov, Leonid Sheremetov: Agent-based infrastructure of supply chain network management. E-Business and Virtual Enterprises 2000: 221-232

Coauthor Index

1Janis Grabis [6]
2Sameer Kumar [2] [3] [4]
3Xiangyang Li [7]
4Leonid Sheremetov (Leonid Cheremetov) [1]
5Alexander V. Smirnov [1] [5]
6Mike Stoerzinger [2]
7Armen Tumanyan [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)