
H. Anthony Chan

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11EETope R. Kareem, Karel Matthee, H. Anthony Chan, Ntsibane Ntlatlapa: Adaptive Priority Based Distributed Dynamic Channel Assignment for Multi-radio Wireless Mesh Networks. ADHOC-NOW 2008: 321-332
10EELinoh A. Magagula, H. Anthony Chan: IEEE 802.21-Assisted Cross-Layer Design and PMIPv6 Mobility Management Framework for Next Generation Wireless Networks. WiMob 2008: 159-164
9EEOlabisi Emmanuel Falowo, H. Anthony Chan: Joint call admission control algorithms: Requirements, approaches, and design considerations. Computer Communications 31(6): 1200-1217 (2008)
8EEOlabisi Emmanuel Falowo, H. Anthony Chan: Analysis of Joint Call Admission Control Strategies for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks. ISCC 2007: 775-780
7EEBazara I. A. Barry, H. Anthony Chan: A Hybrid, Stateful and Cross-Protocol Intrusion Detection System for Converged Applications. OTM Conferences (2) 2007: 1616-1633
6EEOlabisi Emmanuel Falowo, H. Anthony Chan: Joint Call Admission Control for Next Generation Wireless Network. CCECE 2006: 1151-1154
5EEOladayo Salami, H. Anthony Chan: The pursuit of efficient IP resource management has been. ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006: 8
4EERobert Achieng, H. Anthony Chan: A QoS enabling queuing scheme for 4G wireless access networks. IWCMC 2006: 1235-1240
3EEKamil H. Suleiman, H. Anthony Chan, Mqhele E. Dlodlo: Load balancing in the call admission control of heterogeneous wireless networks. IWCMC 2006: 245-250
2 Oladayo Salami, H. Anthony Chan, Mqhele E. Dlodlo: A Scalable QoS Guaranteeing Scheme for Scheduling IP Traffic. Wireless and Optical Communications 2006: 162-167
1EESandisiwe N. Ncemane, H. Anthony Chan, Tope R. Kareem: Mapping Wireless Access Network Traffic to Multiservice Provisioning Platform. JACIII 10(2): 201-206 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Robert Achieng [4]
2Bazara I. A. Barry [7]
3Mqhele E. Dlodlo [2] [3]
4Olabisi Emmanuel Falowo [6] [8] [9]
5Tope R. Kareem [1] [11]
6Linoh A. Magagula [10]
7Karel Matthee [11]
8Sandisiwe N. Ncemane [1]
9Ntsibane Ntlatlapa [11]
10Oladayo Salami [2] [5]
11Kamil H. Suleiman [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)