
Anthony Chan

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9EEAnthony Chan, Pavan Balaji, William Gropp, Rajeev Thakur: Communication Analysis of Parallel 3D FFT for Flat Cartesian Meshes on Large Blue Gene Systems. HiPC 2008: 350-364
8EEEwing L. Lusk, Anthony Chan: Early Experiments with the OpenMP/MPI Hybrid Programming Model. IWOMP 2008: 36-47
7EEPavan Balaji, Anthony Chan, William Gropp, Rajeev Thakur, Ewing L. Lusk: Non-data-communication Overheads in MPI: Analysis on Blue Gene/P. PVM/MPI 2008: 13-22
6EEAnthony Chan, William Gropp, Ewing L. Lusk: An efficient format for nearly constant-time access to arbitrary time intervals in large trace files. Scientific Programming 16(2-3): 155-165 (2008)
5EEAnthony Chan, Mark Frydenberg, Mark J. W. Lee: Facilitating cross-cultural learning through collaborative skypecasting. SIGITE Conference 2007: 59-66
4 Anthony Chan, Mark J. W. Lee: Exploring the Potential of Podcasting to Deliver Mobile Ubiquitous Learning in Higher Education. J. Computing in Higher Education 18(1): 94-115 (2006)
3EEChris Falzone, Anthony Chan, Ewing L. Lusk, William Gropp: Collective Error Detection for MPI Collective Operations. PVM/MPI 2005: 138-147
2EERichard Baker, Dantong Yu, Jason Smith, Anthony Chan, Kaushik De, Patrick McGuigan: GridMonitor: Integration of Large Scale Facility Fabric Monitoring with Meta Data Service in Grid Environment CoRR cs.DC/0306073: (2003)
1EEChing-Farn Eric Wu, Anthony Bolmarcich, Marc Snir, David Wootton, Farid Parpia, Anthony Chan, Ewing L. Lusk, William Gropp: From Trace Generation to Visualization: A Performance Framework for Distributed Parallel Systems. SC 2000

Coauthor Index

1Richard Baker [2]
2Pavan Balaji [7] [9]
3Anthony Bolmarcich [1]
4Kaushik De [2]
5Chris Falzone [3]
6Mark Frydenberg [5]
7William Gropp (William D. Gropp, Bill Gropp) [1] [3] [6] [7] [9]
8Mark J. W. Lee [4] [5]
9Ewing L. Lusk [1] [3] [6] [7] [8]
10Patrick McGuigan [2]
11Farid Parpia [1]
12Jason Smith [2]
13Marc Snir [1]
14Rajeev Thakur [7] [9]
15David Wootton [1]
16Ching-Farn Eric Wu [1]
17Dantong Yu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)