
Walid Chainbi

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13EEWalid Chainbi: An ontology-based multi-agent system conceptual model. IJCAT 31(1/2): 35-44 (2008)
12 Walid Chainbi: An Ontology Based Multi-Agent System Conceptual Model. SEKE 2006: 645-650
11 Walid Chainbi: Agent Technology for Autonomic Computing. ITSSA 1(3): 239-248 (2006)
10EEWalid Chainbi: Why Applying Agent Technology to Autonomic Computing?. SOAS 2005: 282-292
9EEWalid Chainbi: Towards the Automation of Autonomic Systems. GCC Workshops 2004: 579-586
8EEWalid Chainbi: Multi-Agent Systems: A Petri Net with Objects Based Approach. IAT 2004: 429-432
7EEWalid Chainbi: Towards an Object Oriented Implementation of Belief-Goal-Role Multi-agent Systems. CEEMAS 2003: 258-267
6EEWalid Chainbi: A belief-goal-role logic for a single-agent system. SAC 2001: 22-26
5EEWalid Chainbi: Using the object paradigm to deal with the agent paradigm: capabilities and limits. SAC 2001: 585-589
4 Walid Chainbi, Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, Mohamed Jmaiel: A Belief-Goal-Role Theory for Multiagent Systems. IJPRAI 15(3): 435-450 (2001)
3EEWalid Chainbi: A Formal Approach to Belief-Goal-Role Agents. FAABS 2000: 300-301
2 Walid Chainbi: Multi-Agent Systems: A Theory Based on Organization and Communication Concepts. FLAIRS Conference 1999: 262-266
1 Walid Chainbi, Mohamed Jmaiel, Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou: Conception, Behavioral Semantics and Formal Specification of Multi-Agent Systems. DAI 1998: 16-28

Coauthor Index

1Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou [1] [4]
2Mohamed Jmaiel [1] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)