
Max Chacón

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9EEInti Pedroso, Gustavo Rivera, Felipe Lazo, Max Chacón, Francisco Ossandón, Felipe A. Veloso, David S. Holmes: AlterORF: a database of alternate open reading frames. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 517-518 (2008)
8EEFernando Canales, Max Chacón: Modification of the Growing Neural Gas Algorithm for Cluster Analysis. CIARP 2007: 684-693
7EEMax Chacón, Marcos Lévano, Héctor Allende, Hans Nowak: Detection of Gene Expressions in Microarrays by Applying Iteratively Elastic Neural Net. ICANNGA (2) 2007: 355-363
6EEMax Chacón, Darwin Diaz, Luis Ríos, David Evans, Ronney Panerai: Support Vector Machine with External Recurrences for Modeling Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation. CIARP 2006: 954-963
5EEMax Chacón, Cristopher Blanco, Ronney Panerai, David Evans: Nonlinear Modeling of Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation Using Recurrent Neural Networks. CIARP 2005: 205-213
4EEMax Chacón, Sergio Jara, Carlos Defilippi, Ana Madrid, Claudia Defilippi: A Simple Feature Reduction Method for the Detection of Long Biological Signals. CIARP 2005: 431-439
3EETito Valenzuela, Karina Carvajal, Gonzalo Acuña, Max Chacón, Luis Magne: Neural Grey Box Model for Power Estimation in Semiautogenous Mill. ISNN (3) 2005: 833-838
2EEMax Chacón, Brenda Maureira: Causal Networks for Modeling Health Technology Utilization in Intensive Care Units. CIARP 2004: 645-653
1EEMax Chacón, Oreste Luci: Patients Classification by Risk Using Cluster Analysis and Genetic Algorithms. CIARP 2003: 350-358

Coauthor Index

1Gonzalo Acuña [3]
2Héctor Allende [7]
3Cristopher Blanco [5]
4Fernando Canales [8]
5Karina Carvajal [3]
6Carlos Defilippi [4]
7Claudia Defilippi [4]
8Darwin Diaz [6]
9David Evans [5] [6]
10David S. Holmes [9]
11Sergio Jara [4]
12Felipe Lazo [9]
13Marcos Lévano [7]
14Oreste Luci [1]
15Ana Madrid [4]
16Luis Magne [3]
17Brenda Maureira [2]
18Hans Nowak [7]
19Francisco Ossandón [9]
20Ronney Panerai [5] [6]
21Inti Pedroso [9]
22Luis Ríos [6]
23Gustavo Rivera [9]
24Tito Valenzuela [3]
25Felipe A. Veloso [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)