
Cristiano Cervellera

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8EECristiano Cervellera, Luca Caviglione: Optimization of a peer-to-peer system for efficient content replication. European Journal of Operational Research 196(2): 423-433 (2009)
7EELuca Caviglione, Cristiano Cervellera, Franco Davoli, Filippo Aldo Grassia: Optimization of an eMule-like modifier strategy. Computer Communications 31(16): 3876-3882 (2008)
6EEAngelo Alessandri, Cristiano Cervellera, Marta Cuneo, Mauro Gaggero, G. Soncin: Modeling and Feedback Control for Resource Allocation and Performance Analysis in Container Terminals. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(4): 601-614 (2008)
5EELuca Caviglione, Cristiano Cervellera: Design of a peer-to-peer system for optimized content replication. Computer Communications 30(16): 3107-3116 (2007)
4EECristiano Cervellera, Aihong Wen, Victoria C. P. Chen: Neural network and regression spline value function approximations for stochastic dynamic programming. Computers & OR 34(1): 70-90 (2007)
3EEAngelo Alessandri, Cristiano Cervellera, Marcello Sanguineti: Design of Asymptotic Estimators: An Approach Based on Neural Networks and Nonlinear Programming. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18(1): 86-96 (2007)
2EECristiano Cervellera, Victoria C. P. Chen, Aihong Wen: Optimization of a large-scale water reservoir network by stochastic dynamic programming with efficient state space discretization. European Journal of Operational Research 171(3): 1139-1151 (2006)
1EECristiano Cervellera, Marco Muselli: A Deterministic Learning Approch Based on Discrepancy. WIRN 2003: 53-60

Coauthor Index

1Angelo Alessandri [3] [6]
2Luca Caviglione [5] [7] [8]
3Victoria C. P. Chen [2] [4]
4Marta Cuneo [6]
5Franco Davoli [7]
6Mauro Gaggero [6]
7Filippo Aldo Grassia [7]
8Marco Muselli [1]
9Marcello Sanguineti [3]
10G. Soncin [6]
11Aihong Wen [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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