
Davide Cerotti

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3EEMarco Gribaudo, Davide Cerotti, Andrea Bobbio: Analysis of On-off policies in Sensor Networks Using Interacting Markovian Agents. PerCom 2008: 300-305
2EEDavide Cerotti, Davide D'Aprile, Susanna Donatelli, Jeremy Sproston: Verifying Stochastic Well-formed Nets with CSL Model-Checking Tools. ACSD 2006: 143-152
1EEDavide Cerotti, Susanna Donatelli, András Horváth, Jeremy Sproston: CSL Model Checking for Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets. QEST 2006: 199-210

Coauthor Index

1Andrea Bobbio [3]
2Davide D'Aprile [2]
3Susanna Donatelli [1] [2]
4Marco Gribaudo [3]
5András Horváth [1]
6Jeremy Sproston [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)