2007 |
5 | EE | Alessio Ceroni,
Fabrizio Costa,
Paolo Frasconi:
Classification of small molecules by two- and three-dimensional decomposition kernels.
Bioinformatics 23(16): 2038-2045 (2007) |
2006 |
4 | EE | Alessio Ceroni,
Andrea Passerini,
Alessandro Vullo,
Paolo Frasconi:
DISULFIND: a disulfide bonding state and cysteine connectivity prediction server.
Nucleic Acids Research 34(Web-Server-Issue): 177-181 (2006) |
2005 |
3 | EE | Alessio Ceroni,
Paolo Frasconi,
Gianluca Pollastri:
Learning protein secondary structure from sequential and relational data.
Neural Networks 18(8): 1029-1039 (2005) |
2003 |
2 | EE | Alessio Ceroni,
Paolo Frasconi,
Andrea Passerini,
Alessandro Vullo:
A Combination of Support Vector Machines and Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction.
AI*IA 2003: 142-153 |
1 | EE | Alessio Ceroni,
Paolo Frasconi,
Andrea Passerini,
Alessandro Vullo:
Predicting the Disulfide Bonding State of Cysteines with Combinations of Kernel Machines.
VLSI Signal Processing 35(3): 287-295 (2003) |