
Luca Celetto

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5EEMichael Eberhard, Luca Celetto, Christian Timmerer, Emanuele Quacchio, Hermann Hellwagner, Fabrizio S. Rovati: An interoperable multimedia delivery framework for scalable video coding based on MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation. ICME 2008: 1607-1608
4EESimone Milani, Luca Celetto, Gian Antonio Mian: An Accurate Low-Complexity Rate Control Algorithm Based on (rho, Eq)-Domain. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(2): 257-262 (2008)
3EERiccardo Bernardini, Luca Celetto, Roberto Rinaldo, Andrea Vitali, Pamela Zontone: Bit allocation and quantizer optimization in multiple description coding with oversampled filterbanks. ICIP (3) 2005: 892-895
2 Riccardo Bernardini, Marco Durigon, Roberto Rinaldo, Luca Celetto, Andrea Vitali: Polyphase spatial subsampling multiple description coding of video streams with h264. ICIP 2004: 3213-3216
1 Daniele Alfonso, Daniele Bagni, Luca Celetto, Luca Pezzoni: Detailed rate-distortion analysis of H.264 video coding standard and comparison to MPEG2/4. VCIP 2003: 891-902

Coauthor Index

1Daniele Alfonso [1]
2Daniele Bagni [1]
3Riccardo Bernardini [2] [3]
4Marco Durigon [2]
5Michael Eberhard [5]
6Hermann Hellwagner [5]
7Gian Antonio Mian [4]
8Simone Milani [4]
9Luca Pezzoni [1]
10Emanuele Quacchio [5]
11Roberto Rinaldo [2] [3]
12Fabrizio S. Rovati [5]
13Christian Timmerer [5]
14Andrea Vitali [2] [3]
15Pamela Zontone [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)