
George D. C. Cavalcanti

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15EEBruno J. T. Fernandes, George D. C. Cavalcanti: A Pyramidal Neural Network Based on Nonclassical Receptive Field Inhibition. ICTAI (1) 2008: 227-230
14EECesar A. M. Carvalho, George D. C. Cavalcanti: An Artificial Neural Network approach for user class-dependent off-line sentence segmentation. IJCNN 2008: 2722-2726
13EECristiano de S. Pereira, George D. C. Cavalcanti: Prototype selection: Combining self-generating prototypes and Gaussian mixtures for pattern classification. IJCNN 2008: 3505-3510
12EEAdelia C. A. Barros, George D. C. Cavalcanti: Combining global optimization algorithms with a simple adaptive distance for feature selection and weighting. IJCNN 2008: 3518-3523
11EEMilena R. P. Souza, Leandro R. Almeida, George D. C. Cavalcanti: Combining Distances through an Auto-Encoder Network to Verify Signatures. SBRN 2008: 63-68
10EEAngélica A. Mascaro, George D. C. Cavalcanti: Estimating the Skew Angle of Scanned Document through Background Area Information. SIBGRAPI 2008: 87-94
9EER. Araujo, George D. C. Cavalcanti, Edson C. B. Carvalho Filho: An Approach to Improve Accuracy Rate of On-line Signature Verification Systems of Different Sizes. ICDAR 2007: 332-336
8EEGabriel L. F. B. C. Azevedo, George D. C. Cavalcanti, Edson C. B. Carvalho Filho: An approach to feature selection for keystroke dynamics systems based on PSO and feature weighting. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 3577-3584
7EEAida A. Ferreira, Francisco Nascimento Jr., Ing Ren Tsang, George D. C. Cavalcanti, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, Ronaldo R. B. de Aquino: Analysis of mammogram using self-organizing neural networks based on spatial isomorphism. IJCNN 2007: 1796-1801
6EEGabriel L. F. B. G. Azevedo, George D. C. Cavalcanti, Edson C. B. Carvalho Filho: Hybrid Solution for the Feature Selection in Personal Identification Problems through Keystroke Dynamics. IJCNN 2007: 1947-1952
5EEGeorge D. C. Cavalcanti, Eduardo F. A. Silva, Cleber Zanchettin, Byron L. D. Bezerra, Rodrigo C. Doria, Juliano C. B. Rabelo: A Heuristic Binarization Algorithm for Documents with Complex Background. ICIP 2006: 389-392
4EECleber Zanchettin, George D. C. Cavalcanti, Rodrigo C. Doria, Eduardo F. A. Silva, Juliano C. B. Rabelo, Byron L. D. Bezerra: A neural architecture to identify courtesy amount delimiters. IJCNN 2006: 3210-3217
3EEKatia S. Guimarães, Jeane C. B. Melo, George D. C. Cavalcanti: Combining Few Neural Networks for Effective Secondary Structure Prediction. BIBE 2003: 415-420
2 George D. C. Cavalcanti, Edson C. B. Carvalho Filho: Eigenbands fusion for frontal face recognition. ICIP (1) 2003: 665-668
1 George D. C. Cavalcanti, Edson C. B. Carvalho Filho: An architecture for document management. ICIP (3) 2002: 973-976

Coauthor Index

1Leandro R. Almeida [11]
2Ronaldo R. B. de Aquino [7]
3R. Araujo [9]
4Gabriel L. F. B. C. Azevedo [8]
5Gabriel L. F. B. G. Azevedo [6]
6Adelia C. A. Barros [12]
7Byron L. D. Bezerra [4] [5]
8Cesar A. M. Carvalho [14]
9Rodrigo C. Doria [4] [5]
10Bruno J. T. Fernandes [15]
11Aida A. Ferreira [7]
12Edson C. B. Carvalho Filho [1] [2] [6] [8] [9]
13Katia S. Guimarães [3]
14Teresa Bernarda Ludermir [7]
15Angélica A. Mascaro [10]
16Jeane C. B. Melo [3]
17Francisco Nascimento Jr. [7]
18Cristiano de S. Pereira [13]
19Juliano C. B. Rabelo [4] [5]
20Eduardo F. A. Silva [4] [5]
21Milena R. P. Souza [11]
22Ing Ren Tsang [7]
23Cleber Zanchettin [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)