
Didier Caucal

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27EEDidier Caucal, Stéphane Hassen: Synchronization of Grammars. CSR 2008: 110-121
26EEDidier Caucal: Boolean algebras of unambiguous context-free languages. FSTTCS 2008
25EEDidier Caucal, Jurek Czyzowicz, Wojciech Fraczak, Wojciech Rytter: Efficient Computation of Throughput Values of Context-Free Languages. CIAA 2007: 203-213
24EEDidier Caucal, Dinh Trong Hieu: Path Algorithms on Regular Graphs. FCT 2007: 199-212
23EEDidier Caucal: Synchronization of Pushdown Automata. Developments in Language Theory 2006: 120-132
22EEArnaud Carayol, Didier Caucal: The Kleene Equality for Graphs. MFCS 2006: 214-225
21 Didier Caucal: On infinite transition graphs having a decidable monadic theory. Theor. Comput. Sci. 290(1): 79-115 (2003)
20EEDidier Caucal: On the transition graphs of turing machines. Theor. Comput. Sci. 296(2): 195-223 (2003)
19EEDidier Caucal: On Infinite Terms Having a Decidable Monadic Theory. MFCS 2002: 165-176
18EEDidier Caucal, Teodor Knapik: A Chomsky-Like Hierarchy of Infinite Graphs. MFCS 2002: 177-187
17EEDidier Caucal: On the Transition Graphs of Turing Machines. MCU 2001: 177-189
16EEDidier Caucal, Teodor Knapik: An Internal Presentation of Regular Graphs by Prefix-Recognizable Graphs. Theory Comput. Syst. 34(4): 299-336 (2001)
15EEDidier Caucal: On Word Rewriting Systems Having a Rational Derivation. FoSSaCS 2000: 48-62
14 Olaf Burkart, Didier Caucal, Bernhard Steffen: Bisimulation Collapse and the Process Taxonomy. CONCUR 1996: 247-262
13 Didier Caucal: On Infinite Transition Graphs Having a Decidable Monadic Theory. ICALP 1996: 194-205
12 Olaf Burkart, Didier Caucal, Bernhard Steffen: An Elementary Bisimulation Decision Procedure for Arbitrary Context-Free Processes. MFCS 1995: 423-433
11 Didier Caucal, Dung T. Huynh, Lu Tian: Deciding Branching Bimiliarity of Normed Context-Free Processes Is in \Sigma^ p_2 Inf. Comput. 118(2): 306-315 (1995)
10 Didier Caucal: A Fast Algorithm to Decide on the Equivalence of Stateless DPDA. ITA 27(1): 23-48 (1993)
9 Didier Caucal: Branching Bisimulation for Context-free Processes. FSTTCS 1992: 316-327
8 Didier Caucal: Monadic Theory of Term Rewritings LICS 1992: 266-273
7 Didier Caucal: On the Regular Structure of Prefix Rewriting. Theor. Comput. Sci. 106(1): 61-86 (1992)
6 Didier Caucal: On the Regular Structure of Prefix Rewriting. CAAP 1990: 87-102
5 Didier Caucal: An Application of Graph Grammars to the Elimination of Redundancy from Functions Defined by Schemes. Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science 1990: 190-206
4 Didier Caucal, Roland Monfort: On the transition graphs of automata and grammars. WG 1990: 311-337
3 Didier Caucal: Graphes canoniques de graphes algébriques. ITA 24: 339-352 (1990)
2 Didier Caucal: A Fast Algorithm to Decide on Simple Grammars Equivalence. Optimal Algorithms 1989: 66-85
1 Didier Caucal: Décidabiité de l'égalité des Languages Algébriques Infinitaires Simples. STACS 1986: 37-48

Coauthor Index

1Olaf Burkart [12] [14]
2Arnaud Carayol [22]
3Jurek Czyzowicz [25]
4Wojciech Fraczak [25]
5Stéphane Hassen [27]
6Dinh Trong Hieu [24]
7Dung T. Huynh [11]
8Teodor Knapik [16] [18]
9Roland Monfort [4]
10Wojciech Rytter [25]
11Bernhard Steffen [12] [14]
12Lu Tian [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)