
Paul A. Catlin

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12EEPaul A. Catlin, Arthur M. Hobbs, Hong-Jian Lai: Graph family operations. Discrete Mathematics 230(1-3): 71-97 (2001)
11EEPaul A. Catlin: The reduction of graph families closed under contraction. Discrete Mathematics 160(1-3): 67-80 (1996)
10EEPaul A. Catlin, Zheng-Yiao Han, Hong-Jian Lai: Graphs without spanning closed trails. Discrete Mathematics 160(1-3): 81-91 (1996)
9EEPaul A. Catlin, Hong-Jian Lai: Supereulerian Graphs and the Petersen Graph. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 66(1): 123-139 (1996)
8EEPaul A. Catlin, Hong-Jian Lai: Vertex arboricity and maximum degree. Discrete Mathematics 141(1-3): 37-46 (1995)
7 Paul A. Catlin, Jerrold W. Grossman, Arthur M. Hobbs, Hong-Jian Lai: Fractional Arboricity, Strength, and Principal Partitions in Graphs and Matroids. Discrete Applied Mathematics 40(3): 285-302 (1992)
6EEPaul A. Catlin: Spanning eulerian subgraphs and matchings. Discrete Mathematics 76(2): 95-116 (1989)
5 Paul A. Catlin: Contractions of graphs with no spanning eulerian subgraphs. Combinatorica 8(4): 313-321 (1988)
4EEPaul A. Catlin: Graph homomorphisms into the five-cycle. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 45(2): 199-211 (1988)
3EEBéla Bollobás, Paul A. Catlin: Topological cliques of random graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 30(2): 224-227 (1981)
2EEPaul A. Catlin: Hajós' graph-coloring conjecture: Variations and counterexamples. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 26(2): 268-274 (1979)
1EEPaul A. Catlin: Brooks' graph-coloring theorem and the independence number. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 27(1): 42-48 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Béla Bollobás [3]
2Jerrold W. Grossman [7]
3Zheng-Yiao Han [10]
4Arthur M. Hobbs [7] [12]
5Hong-Jian Lai [7] [8] [9] [10] [12]

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