
Daniele Catanzaro

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4EEDaniele Catanzaro: The minimum evolution problem: Overview and classification. Networks 53(2): 112-125 (2009)
3EEDaniele Catanzaro, Martine Labbé, Raffaele Pesenti, Juan José Salazar González: Mathematical models to reconstruct phylogenetic trees under the minimum evolution criterion. Networks 53(2): 126-140 (2009)
2 Roberto Aringhieri, Chiara Braghin, Daniele Catanzaro: An Exact Approach for solving the Balanced Minimum Evolution Problem. CTW 2008: 48-51
1EEDaniele Catanzaro, Raffaele Pesenti, Michel C. Milinkovitch: A non-linear optimization procedure to estimate distances and instantaneous substitution rate matrices under the GTR model. Bioinformatics 22(6): 708-715 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Roberto Aringhieri [2]
2Chiara Braghin [2]
3Juan José Salazar González [3]
4Martine Labbé [3]
5Michel C. Milinkovitch [1]
6Raffaele Pesenti [1] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)