
Hugo Peres Castilho

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2EEHugo Peres Castilho, Paulo Jorge Sequeira Gonçalves, João Rogério Caldas Pinto, António Limas Serafim: Intelligent Real-Time Fabric Defect Detection. ICIAR 2007: 1297-1307
1EEHugo Peres Castilho, João Rogério Caldas Pinto, António Limas Serafim: NN Automated Defect Detection Based on Optimized Thresholding. ICIAR (2) 2006: 790-801

Coauthor Index

1Paulo Jorge Sequeira Gonçalves [2]
2João Rogério Caldas Pinto [1] [2]
3António Limas Serafim [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)