
Michel Castan

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5 Michel Castan, M.-H. Durand, Michel Lemaître: A Set of Combinators for Abstraction in Linear Space. Inf. Process. Lett. 24(3): 183-188 (1987)
4 Michel Castan, Guy Durrieu, Bernard Lécussan, Michel Lemaître, Alessandro Contessa, Eric Cousin, Paulino Ng: Toward the design of a parallel graph reduction machine: The MaRS project. Graph Reduction 1986: 160-180
3 Michel Lemaître, Michel Castan, M.-H. Durand, Guy Durrieu, Bernard Lécussan: Mechanisms for Efficient Multiprocessor Combinator Reduction. LISP and Functional Programming 1986: 113-121
2 Jean-Paul Sansonnet, Michel Castan, Christian Percebois, D. Botella, J. Perez: Direct Execution of Lisp on a List-Directed Architecture. ASPLOS 1982: 132-139
1 Jean-Paul Sansonnet, Michel Castan, Christian Percebois: M3L: A List-Directed Architecture. ISCA 1980: 105-112

Coauthor Index

1D. Botella [2]
2Alessandro Contessa [4]
3Eric Cousin [4]
4M.-H. Durand [3] [5]
5Guy Durrieu [3] [4]
6Bernard Lécussan [3] [4]
7Michel Lemaître [3] [4] [5]
8Paulino Ng [4]
9Christian Percebois [1] [2]
10J. Perez [2]
11Jean-Paul Sansonnet [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)