
Gerardo A. Castañón

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3EEJae-Seung Yeom, Ozan K. Tonguz, Gerardo A. Castañón: Security in All-Optical Networks: Self-Organization and Attack Avoidance. ICC 2007: 1329-1335
2EEGerardo A. Castañón, Lubo Tancevski, Lakshman Tamil: Optical packet switching with multiple path routing. Computer Networks 32(5): 653-662 (2000)
1 Gerardo A. Castañón, Ozan K. Tonguz, Alberto Bononi: Teletraffic/Transmission Performance of Multi-Hop Networks using Hybrid-Store-and-Forward. ICCCN 1997: 138-143

Coauthor Index

1Alberto Bononi [1]
2Lakshman Tamil [2]
3Lubo Tancevski [2]
4Ozan K. Tonguz [1] [3]
5Jae-Seung Yeom [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)