
Giulio Casciola

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11EEGiulio Casciola, L. B. Montefusco, Serena Morigi: The regularizing properties of anisotropic radial basis functions. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2): 1050-1062 (2007)
10EEC. Beccari, Giulio Casciola, Lucia Romani: A non-stationary uniform tension controlled interpolating 4-point scheme reproducing conics. Computer Aided Geometric Design 24(1): 1-9 (2007)
9EEC. Beccari, Giulio Casciola, Lucia Romani: An interpolating 4-point C2 ternary non-stationary subdivision scheme with tension control. Computer Aided Geometric Design 24(4): 210-219 (2007)
8EEGiulio Casciola, E. Franchini, Lucia Romani: The mixed directional difference-summation algorithm for generating the Bézier net of a trivariate four-direction Box-spline. Numerical Algorithms 43(1): 75-98 (2006)
7 Giulio Casciola, Serena Morigi: Inverse Circular Curves. International Journal of Shape Modeling 8(1): 43-58 (2002)
6EEGiulio Casciola, Serena Morigi, Javier Sánchez-Reyes: Degree elevation for p-Bézier curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 15(4): 313-322 (1998)
5EEGiulio Casciola: A recurrence relation for rational B-splines. Computer Aided Geometric Design 14(2): 103-110 (1997)
4 Giulio Casciola, Serena Morigi: Graphics in Parallel Computation for Rendering 3D Modelled Scenes. Parallel Computing 21(8): 1365-1382 (1995)
3EELorenzo Alvisi, Giulio Casciola: On the two array mask hidden-line algorithm. Computers & Graphics 13(2): 193-206 (1989)
2EEGiulio Casciola: Basic concepts to accelerate line algorithms. Computers & Graphics 12(3-4): 489-502 (1988)
1EEGiulio Casciola: An interactive, graphic system for the study of functions. Computers & Graphics 11(3): 275-280 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Lorenzo Alvisi [3]
2C. Beccari [9] [10]
3E. Franchini [8]
4L. B. Montefusco [11]
5Serena Morigi [4] [6] [7] [11]
6Lucia Romani [8] [9] [10]
7Javier Sánchez-Reyes [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)