
Philip P. Carvey

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2EECraig Partridge, Philip P. Carvey, Ed Burgess, Isidro Castineyra, Tom Clarke, Lise Graham, Michael Hathaway, Phil Herman, Allen King, Steve Kohalmi, Tracy Ma, John Mcallen, Trevor Mendez, Walter C. Milliken, Ronald Pettyjohn, John Rokosz, Joshua Seeger, Michael Sollins, Steve Starch, Benjamin Tober, Gregory Troxel, David Waitzman, Scott Winterble: A 50-Gb/s IP router. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 6(3): 237-248 (1998)
1 Randall Rettberg, William R. Crowther, Philip P. Carvey, Raymond S. Tomlinson: The Monarch Parallel Processor Hardware Design. IEEE Computer 23(4): 18-30 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Ed Burgess [2]
2Isidro Castineyra [2]
3Tom Clarke [2]
4William R. Crowther [1]
5Lise Graham [2]
6Michael Hathaway [2]
7Phil Herman [2]
8Allen King [2]
9Steve Kohalmi [2]
10Tracy Ma [2]
11John Mcallen [2]
12Trevor Mendez [2]
13Walter C. Milliken [2]
14Craig Partridge [2]
15Ronald Pettyjohn [2]
16Randall Rettberg [1]
17John Rokosz [2]
18Joshua Seeger [2]
19Michael Sollins [2]
20Steve Starch [2]
21Benjamin Tober [2]
22Raymond S. Tomlinson [1]
23Gregory Troxel [2]
24David Waitzman [2]
25Scott Winterble [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)