
Jens Michael Carstensen

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14EEDavid Delgado Gomez, Line Harder Clemmensen, Bjarne K. Ersbøll, Jens Michael Carstensen: Precise acquisition and unsupervised segmentation of multi-spectral images. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 106(2-3): 183-193 (2007)
13EEDavid Delgado Gomez, Constantine Butakoff, Bjarne K. Ersbøll, Jens Michael Carstensen: Automatic change detection and quantification of dermatological diseases with an application to psoriasis images. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(9): 1012-1018 (2007)
12EEDavid Delgado Gomez, Jens Michael Carstensen, Bjarne K. Ersbøll: Collecting highly reproducible images to support dermatological medical diagnosis. Image Vision Comput. 24(2): 186-191 (2006)
11EEMichael Edberg Hansen, Bjarne K. Ersbøll, Jens Michael Carstensen, Allan Aasbjerg Nielsen: Estimation of Critical Parameters in Concrete Production Using Multispectral Vision Technology. SCIA 2005: 1228-1237
10EEMichael Edberg Hansen, Jens Michael Carstensen: Density-based retrieval from high-similarity image databases. Pattern Recognition 37(11): 2155-2164 (2004)
9EEMichael Edberg Hansen, Jens Michael Carstensen: Color-Based Image Retrieval from High-Similarity Image Databases. SCIA 2003: 1098-1105
8EEDavid Delgado Gomez, Jens Michael Carstensen, Bjarne K. Ersbøll, Lone Skov, Bo Bang: Building an Image-Based System to Automatically Score Psoriasis. SCIA 2003: 557-564
7EEKarsten Hartelius, Jens Michael Carstensen: Bayesian Grid Matching. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(2): 162-173 (2003)
6EEHenrik Aanæs, Rune Fisker, Kalle Åström, Jens Michael Carstensen: Robust Factorization. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(9): 1215-1225 (2002)
5EERune Fisker, Nette Schultz, Jens Michael Carstensen, Nicolae Duta: A General Scheme for Training and Optimization of the Grenander Deformable Template Model. CVPR 2000: 1698-1705
4EEKlaus Baggesen Hilger, Allan Aasbjerg Nielsen, Jens Michael Carstensen: Unsupervised Classification of X-Ray Mapping Images of Polished Sections. MVA 2000: 44-47
3 Nette Schultz, Jens Michael Carstensen: Bimodal Histogram Transformation Based on Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimates in Univariate Gaussian Mixtures. ICIAP (2) 1997: 532-543
2EEJens Michael Carstensen: An Active Lattice Model in a Bayesian Framework. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 63(2): 380-387 (1996)
1EEJens Michael Carstensen, Michael Grunkin, Knut Conradsen: Measurement of Enzymatic Treatment Effect on Textile Using Digital Image Analysis. MVA 1992: 277-280

Coauthor Index

1Henrik Aanæs [6]
2Kalle Åström [6]
3Bo Bang [8]
4Constantine Butakoff [13]
5Line Harder Clemmensen [14]
6Knut Conradsen [1]
7Nicolae Duta [5]
8Bjarne K. Ersbøll [8] [11] [12] [13] [14]
9Rune Fisker [5] [6]
10David Delgado Gomez [8] [12] [13] [14]
11Michael Grunkin [1]
12Michael Edberg Hansen [9] [10] [11]
13Karsten Hartelius [7]
14Klaus Baggesen Hilger [4]
15Allan Aasbjerg Nielsen [4] [11]
16Nette Schultz [3] [5]
17Lone Skov [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)