
Christopher Carroll

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3EEWalter Gulbinat, Richard Ennals, Norman Sartorius, Donald Silberberg, Florence Baingana, Ronald Manderscheid, Christopher Carroll, Muriami Morigami: Health and psychosocial consequences of abrupt economic change: an international collaborative project. AI Soc. 19(4): 558-562 (2005)
2EEMuxiang Zhang, Christopher Carroll, Agnes Hui Chan: The Software-Oriented Stream Cipher SSC2. FSE 2000: 31-48
1EEMuxiang Zhang, Christopher Carroll, Agnes Hui Chan: Analysis of IS-95 CDMA Voice Privacy. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2000: 1-13

Coauthor Index

1Florence Baingana [3]
2Agnes Hui Chan [1] [2]
3Richard Ennals [3]
4Walter Gulbinat [3]
5Ronald Manderscheid [3]
6Muriami Morigami [3]
7Norman Sartorius [3]
8Donald Silberberg [3]
9Muxiang Zhang [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)